week, we ascribed the condition of the Prime Minister to a Shakespearean
explanation – madness before destruction.Some
have explained it as a gin inspired haze.Now
comes Bradley Roberts, the Chairman of the PLP, who believes that following
two historic postponements of Junkanoo because of inclement weather that
Hubert Ingraham is simply cursed.
the movie, The Crying Game, a story is told of the frog and the scorpion.Even
though the frog is helping the scorpion across the river and at the peril
of both their lives the scorpion breaks his promise to the frog and stings
the frog.As both the frog and the
scorpion are sinking to their inevitable deaths, the frog asks the scorpion,
how he could do such a thing. The scorpion relied: “It’s in my nature”.
so we watch with trepidation as our country’s Prime Minister bumbles and
stumbles, and attacks and embarrasses himself and the country week after
week, and we wonder when it will stop.Instead
it just gets worse.And our explanation
now is that he is like the scorpion.He
just can’t help himself.It is in
his nature.
was that more evident than in his statement on Charles Carter’s Island
FM radio programme Parliament Street on Sunday 30 December.We
report some of what he said below.Included
in his statements seemed to be an attack on Sir Orville Turnquest, the
former Governor General; an admission that both Tommy Turnquest and Dion
Foulkes, his putative successors in office were guilty of wrong doing;
and that his Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson also was guilty of wrong
newspapers carried all of the Prime Minister’s statements.And
then the Bahamas Information Services the Government’s own public relations
arm released a detailed statement of the Prime Minister’s words.It
seemed that Mr. Ingraham was setting himself up to get rid of his successors
from the Cabinet and then give the pretext for his staying on to head the
Government again.
seemed to be confirmed when the Nassau Guardian, normally quite mealy mouthed
when it comes to the Government, called for the resignation of the two
Ministers or for their dismissal.We
report on that editorial below.
so the story of the postponement of Junkanoo, the theory of the curse,
and then the story of the scorpion.Bring
it all together and we paraphrase from the current Woody Allen movie where
Mr. Allen and the character played by Helen Hunt are immediately hypnotized
to do evil things by a single word, and we have today’s theme: The Curse
of the Junkanoo Scorpion.
We had 24,536 hits on this site for the week ending Saturday 5th January 2002.That makes a total of 107,007 hits for the month ending 31st December 2001.That makes a total of 1,086,604 hits on the site for the year 2001 compared to 612,182 hits for the year 2000.Unquestionably this site has enjoyed great success over the past year.Thanks for reading.Please keep reading.
To: Hubert Alexander a.k.a. Mr. Dream Merchant Hey, hey, Mr. Dream Merchant everything depended on you, and I dare say you came through. Hey, hey, Mr. Dream Merchant you have brought this country back to me and now my dreams are true. Hey, hey Mr. Dream Merchant you have given me Tommy and Dion... they will do, but nothing takes the place of you. Hey, hey Mr. Dream merchant, what can master do for you? Hey Mr. Dream Merchant, heaven knows how much me and the boys will miss you... Sir Geoff. From: The Corner
Imagine Sir Geoffrey Johnstone a Knight, and January 10th cannot be a holiday? Shame on you Mr. Dream Merchant To Christie and the PLP
Review of the Judiciary
Address to Senate: Why the PM is the way he is
speech to PLP Convention 2000
& Me - A personal retrospective on the life and times of Sir Lynden
by Fred Mitchell
to the Senate Budget Debate / Haitian Issue
to the Senate Clifton Cay Debate / Haitian Issue
to PLP Leadership meeting in Exuma / Haitian Issue
of Sean McWeeney / Pindling funeral
Morris on OECD Blacklist
Mitchell Antioch College speech
The funeral
For a photo essay on the funeral of Archdeacon William Thompson. Click here.
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Bahamas Information Services released a statement on the Prime Minister’s
interview on Charles Carter's radio programme Parliament Street.The
programme was aired on Sunday 30 December.The
Prime Minister spoke about the following:
Watson, Deputy Prime Minister
Ingraham said that the allegation of corruption against Frank Watson was
that there was a $135,000 payment to an agent for the purchase of an aircraft
by Bahamasair.Said Mr. Ingraham:
“It is clear that the Deputy Prime Minister got no personal benefit from
doing that, but he made a mistake.That
determination was made some time ago when Bahamasair was removed from Mr.
Watson’s portfolio.”
Foulkes, the Minister of Education
the Prime Minister: “Corruption is a term that is easily used by all and
sundry in the political world from time to time.No
information has been made available publicly or privately to me to suggest
that there was any corruption on the part of any of the candidates who
won the FNM leadership election.”The
Prime Minister said that information has come to his attention that there
was favouritism in the award of some contracts.He
said that there is information which suggests that some of the contracts
awarded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports might have been
in excess of what the work scope would have required. “These matters are
under active investigation, and determinations will be made in a reasonably
short order.”The Prime Minister
said that Mr. Foulkes would be told of the outcome of the investigations
and would have an opportunity to comment upon them and then he, the Prime
Minister would make a determination.
Turnquest, the Minister of Tourism
allegation was that Tommy Turnquest awarded a contract to Smith's Air Conditioning
against the advice of the Ministry ofWorks.The
claim was that the figures in the contract were padded and that Mr. Smith
paid for a party catered by Paradise Island at the cost of $31,000.Mr.
Smith was a delegate to the FNM special convention for Leader elect and
Deputy Leader elect and he is also an officer in the Free National Movement.Accordig
to the Bahamas Information Services release, The Prime Minister said in
response: “Insofar as the payment for a party that Mr. Turnquest had at
his home, the Prime Minister said when the allegation was made, he spoke
with Mr. Turnquest and told him that it was inappropriate for Mr. Smith
to be paying for a party at his (Mr. Turnquest’s) house at a cost of $31,000.As
it turned out Smith had not paid yet for the party and so Tommy Turnquest
was required by me to pay for the party out of his own resources, not because
there was anything corrupt about Smith paying, but it appeared under the
circumstances that if Smith had gotten this contract under those circumstances
and had this big party, that maybe there could have been an allegation
of quid pro quo… I think that if there was a mistake, the mistake was for
him to have agreed to allow Smith to pay for a party for him.Well,
he could not have known, in my view that the party was going to cost $31,000.Generally
speaking it is not outside the realm of acceptable political behaviour
in The Bahamas or elsewhere in the world for a supporter to pay for a party
for a candidate.That is quite acceptable.That
was an extravagant party…And I also
would like to say that if he was going to have that party, I don’t believe
the Tommy Turnquest I know would have spent $31,000 of his money to have
that party.So I think that he has
been punished substantially.”
Prime Minister is being disingenuous if not dishonest when he concedes
in his interview that three Ministers were involved in favouritism, made
mistakes.He cannot be judge and
jury of his own Government.Ervin
Knowles and Simeon Bowe, Ministers under the PLP resigned for similar “mistakes”.The
FNM had a field day at the time.What
is good for the goose is good for the gander.The
only difference now is that Mr. Ingraham is in the seat of power and he
knows that once one Minister goes, the Government is doomed.But
it is doomed anyway because the Prime Minister has in fact conceded the
argument.He is in the same position
as Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal.He
tried to ditch his lieutenants in the hope that this would satisfy the
public but that was not good enough.Once
the lieutenants were gone, the public saw that the emperor had no clothes
and that is the apt analogy to this situation, Mr. Ingraham is all but
stripped politically naked.Niki
Kelly in her column of last week used the same analogy to the Hans Christian
Anderson story.
ever intrepid Candia Dames, the reporter for the Bahama Journal contacted
the Minister of Education Dion Foulkes to ask him what his reaction was
to the Prime Minister's statements on him and the awarding the contracts.This
is an excerpt from Ms. Dames’ report in the Bahama Journal of Wednesday
2 January 2002 under the headline: ‘FOULKES DENIES PM’S REMARKS’.
are signs of a deepening rift in the Free National Movement as FNM Deputy
Leader Designate Dion Foulkes and Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham are at
odds over talk show statements made recently by Mr. Ingraham.
Ingraham said Sunday on an Island FM radio talk show that favouritism was
shown in the granting of school contracts.
“But Education Minister Foulkes told the Journal this morning from his Shirley Street office that “I categorically deny that any favouritism was shown.”
rumours these days are flying fast and furious.As
the FNM self-destructs and argues amongst themselves and in the public,
the latest story has it that in fact Dion Foulkes has conceded that he
will go.The Prime Minister seems
to be setting the stage for Mr. Foulkes to get the sack by his interview
on radio on Sunday 30 December (see story today’s column). The story is
that Mr. Foulkes has said, I am prepared to go but only if Tommy goes at
the same time.What a dream team!
16th December, we reported on this site that Permanent Secretary
for the Ministry of Education Creswell Sturrup was sent on administrative
leave in the wake of the education contracts scandal.Not
so said Mr. Sturrup.The P.S. at
Education said the fact is that he was simply on leave, vacation time that
was due him.Mr. Sturrup responded
to the Bahama Journal on Wednesday 2nd January.
The Nassau
Guardian seems to have gotten it right on what should happen to the FNM
Cabinet Ministers in the wake of the current scandal for once and no comment
is needed so we provide excerpts of their editorial verbatim from their
edition of Friday 4 January 2002:
Ingraham indicated that the allegations are being investigated and that
when completed determinations will be made and that in the case of Mr.
Foulkes, he will have an opportunity to respond to the outcome of the investigations.However,
he said that Minister Turnquest had been punished substantially in being
made to pay for the expensive victory party, rather than allow the tab
to be picked up by a person who was involved with executing a government
what is good for one should also be good for everybody and it should be
seen to be so.The Prime Minister
cannot say that his ministers exercised poor judgement, that he rectified
the situation and expect the nation to accept those same persons as the
next government and country leaders.Who
will be there to tell them to straighten up when they become the top honchos.
one, except the electorate and then it might be along wait.
“No Prime Minister, there is a convention that goes along with the system of Government that The Bahamas practices and that convention prescribes that all men and women who occupy those high offices are honourable.And that means when it is perceived that they bring dishonour to those positions, they, of their own volition vacate them, or they are subsequently relieved of their public responsibilities.”
Roberts had a press conference this week in which he revealed that when
the last Governor General left the official mansion on Mt. Fitzwilliam,
he took the keys to the personal quarters because he had not finished moving
his belongings.That meant that the
incoming Governor General Dame Ivy Dumont could not get into the house.The
outdoing GG also reportedly took two of the cars from Government house.The
Prime Minister was reportedly furious and called Tiny.According
to Mr. Roberts a bitter row ensued in which some of the foulest words passed
between them.He sent the police
to get the two Government House cars.The
Prime Minister was asked by the Nassau Guardian about the report of the
row.He denied it, and said that
he did have a discussion with the former Governor General but there was
no row and no bitterness.If you
believe that, then you were born yesterday.That
must be the explanation for the Prime Minister's words in the Charles Carter
interview when he said that he would have chosen Tommy Turnquest to be
leader of the FNM and his successor over his father because of Tommy’s
attributes.He named them.It
begged the question as to whether or not the Prime Minister was saying
that theyounger Mr. Turnquest’s
father lacked the integrity and strength of leadership that he saw in Tommy.Things,
as they say get, curiouser and curiouser.What
we know is that it is a curious world when Tommy Turnquest continues to
sit in a Cabinet led by a man who insults his father and then insults him.Don’t
you think that if Tommy were a real man, he would simply tell Ingraham:
either you go or I go?It simply
appears that the FNM is set on a course of self-destruction.
Sunday 30 December, Hubert Ingraham told the public that he had nothing
to do with denying Pierre Dupuch and Tennyson Wells their nominations by
the FNM.That is a lie.The
Prime Minister claimed that he wasn’t there for the vote and that it was
their own colleagues who denied them.As
we say in The Bahamas, matters makes no difference.Further,
he said that these persons Wells and Dupuch were undeserving of being re-elected
to Parliament.This fellow is a nut
case you know!
Minister of Tourism Tommy Turnquest has a public explanation to give to
the Parliament of The Bahamas and the Bahamian public.We
are reliably informed that Resorts at Bahamia, owned by the Driftwood Group,
has been given a government grant of two million dollars.The
money is given to them in tranches of five hundred thousand dollars at
a time.The company has received
three such payments.The last such
payment was just before Christmas when the hotels owners were almost out
of money and desperate to get money to be able pay bonuses to hotel employees.We
have over the last twelve months been expressing concern in this column
that the Resorts at Bahamia, formerly the Princess Hotels is dangerously
under financed and is in danger of collapsing.We
have expressed our concern that the company has been practising racial
discrimination against its Bahamian employees.The
hotel decided to build what they called an artificial beach in the middle
of the Sunrise Highway.It turns
out it is only a large swimming pool and they have apparently now run out
of money and lack the ability to finish it.Further,
they put the thing in the wrong place, right over the sewer pipes and that
has caused a problem.But what frightens
us now is that this Government without any public announcement or authorization
from Parliament is giving a private investor two million dollars of the
taxpayers money of The Bahamas.There
must be an explanation and the Minister of Tourism must give it now.
as we said, the Government has now confirmed Dame Ivy Dumont to be the
doing so, the Prime Minister reneged on a declaration made to the Bahamian
people that he would not confirm Dame Ivy but leave that to the next administration
to choose a Governor General.Like
so many of his promises, he has broken that one.The
whole thing is about legacy building, not what is good for the country.He
did it simply to say that he was responsible for appointing the first female
Governor General.The choice is unpopular
in the country.People think that
Dame Ivy has gotten too much in the way of Government perks, without any
commensurate service to warrant it.The
Prime Minister in his discussions with the Leader of the Opposition has
acknowledged that the choice was unpopular but he went ahead anyway.It
was interesting seeing the response of Janet Bostwick, the woman many believed
would retire from the House of Assembly and get the post.When
asked by the Tribune on Wednesday 2nd January if she had anything
to say about the matter she said she had no comment.That
“No comment” spoke volumes.Dame
Ivy now becomes the country’s fourth living Governor General, each of whom
collects the full salary.Three of
them collect them as pensions.They
each have a detective and driver.The
widow of one Governor General gets half the salary as a pension.This
office that is a ceremonial one is getting to be terribly expensive.We
do not support this appointment.It
is totally inappropriate.With a
general election to be held within three months in this country, the next
administration’s hand should not be tied by the Prime Minister.It
is a slimy thing to have done.
week in the past year the Haitian boats have been pouring into The Bahamas.As
the political situation in Haiti deteriorates, the rising tide of refugees
in The Bahamas has become a flood.The
international community is offering us little help or assistance.The
Americans have turned their eyes away from the Caribbean. For this week
alone, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force has captured 344 illegal refugees,
all from Haiti.Last year, there
was a record number of repatriations.According
to the figures broadcast on Radio ZNS, some 5081 persons were sent back
to Haiti by the Bahamas Government in 2001.
Minister of Labour Earl Deveaux announced that the Employment Act, passed
by the Senate just before Christmas has been brought into force.The
effective day of the act is 1 January 2002.The
provisions on the new work week of 44 hours kick in on 1 February 2002.The
work week drops to 40 hours on 1 February 2003.The
business community feels betrayed because it is being said in their circles
that the Prime Minister promised them that this bill would not come into
force at this time.The Prime Minister
also admitted in Parliament when speaking on the bill that there would
be significant new costs to employers because of the bill.The
right wing think tank the Nassau Institute is concerned about the bill,
its spokesman saying that the bill rewards workers in the Bahamas for failure.
Resorts at Bahamia & the Vietnamese - Officers from the Department
of Immigration were visiting the Resorts at Bahamia on another matter when
they stumbled on a number of the now infamous Vietnamese tile layers installing
drywall and undertaking other construction tasks not included in the terms
of their work permits. As we have reported, the tile layers were
called in and warned by Immigration to stick to laying tiles. When
the officers appeared, the men broke off running, some leaping from tall
ladders in the process. Residents of neighbouring south Bahamia said
scores of the Vietnamese were seen scurrying across the golf course in
full flight from Immigration. None were caught. Sources say
that no reprimand has yet been issued to the company by Immigration.
Chef Deported - In another development at Resorts at Bahamia,
a 39 year old American chef whom we reported was due to take over from
a Bahamian to be fired was escorted off the premises of the casino and
put on a plane out of the country for working without a permit. News
From Grand Bahama has learned that the FNM could not justify giving him
a work permit on the eve of an election in the face of so many qualified
Bahamian chefs who are out of work. The company was told that they
would have to wait until the FNM wins the next election, then they could
bring the chef back.
Warning To All Resorts Supervisors - News From Grand Bahama has
learned that anyone making more than $400 per week is to fall victim to
a new policy that will try to terminate them with cause. Insiders
say this is a policy designed to get around the new labour bills and to
get at monies left in escrow by Princess for severance pay for long-time
employees whose employment changed from one company to the next after the
buyout of Princess Properties. This week the axe fell on young Dillon
Burrows, son of senior executive Kelly Burrows. We understand that
the union is taking up that case, but in the meantime we warn all managers
to beware.
ZNS reported on Friday evening that the public school system
should brace for an influx of students from the private schools at both
the primary and high school level. St. Georges' high school was reporting
an enrolment to date of some 1400 students at a school built to accommodate
only 900 students. The principal confirmed that there have been numerous
additional enquiries for placement at that school. The Bahamas Union
of Teachers has an agreement with the Ministry of Education not to put
more than 35 children per class. This same trend seems to be taking
place over at the Walter Parker Primary school. Parents are having
to take the drastic step of putting their children into the overcrowded
public school system because of economic reasons. This is a sign
of the economic times in Grand Bahama with some people working only two
or three days per week.
This week four people were charged in connection with the missing
trailers from the container port, but as we predicted last week, these
were low level people, incidental to the main plot and the central characters
have yet to be brought to justice. Word on the street is that the
general manager of the container port is to be reassigned by Hutchison
Whampoa, owners of the port. We have also learned that the DEU, the
Department of Immigration and officers of the Ministry of Agriculture must
still call to get access to the container port. Bahamas Customs is
only allowed in from 9 am to 5 pm. Meanwhile, the container port
is left to police themselves for 18 hours each day while officials of the
Bahamas Government are reduced to hiding in the bush to discover the true
nature of what is going on inside. Sources tell us that the container
port's owners had anticipated that Government would require close circuit
television for security reasons and have all the necessary infrastructure
in place. They couldn't believe their luck when no such instruction
was made and were glad to save the cost of the cameras. We now call
upon the Government to govern and prevent more international sanctions
brought on by slackness at a port of entry in this country.
10 JANUARY 1967
But back to Leonard’s story. He said that one day he visited
Mr. Cleare I’s shop on Bay Street. The shop was owned by one of the
Bay Street Boys. During one election, Dr. Raymond Sawyer and Stafford
Sands were the members for the City constituency (now abolished). That
was in the days of dual member constituencies. Dr. Sawyer, a dentist,
was the junior member and Sir Stafford was the senior member. They
came to call on Mr. Cleare I and Leonard Roker was present. He watched
as the story unfolded.
According to Mr. Roker, the politicians asked for Mr. Cleare I’s
support. He listened politely and told them that he had nothing against
them but Gerald Cash, later Sir Gerald, was a candidate in the race.
His view was “as long as there was a Black man in the race” he was voting
for that man. Mr. Roker said as a young man he had never seen anything
so amazing. The hair stood up on his arms. Mr. Cleare shortly
after lost the lease of the premises for his bicycle shop.
One need only read Colin Hughes’ Race and Politics in The Bahamas
to realize the extent to which race dominated the politics of this country
as recently as 1977. Many of us argue today that we are still dominated
by the question.
Nothing has revived that issue today more than the official funeral
held for the late Charles W.F. Bethell, who was the last Leader for the
United Bahamian Party government in the Senate in 1967 when the UBP lost
office. He served in the House for 20 years and later in the Legislative
Council and finally in the Senate. He also served in the forerunner
of the Cabinet, the Executive Council and then later in the Cabinet.
The Prime Minister and his Government seemed to bend over backwards
to ensure all the pomp and flourish for C.W. F. Bethell’s funeral.
This is the man whom the PLP campaigned against on the grounds in part
that when he was interviewed by foreign media on an official trip overseas,
and he was asked how did the UBP manage to keep the black people in The
Bahamas under control, who replied, “with careful planning”.
Yet upon his death in 2002, there was a police honour guard and gun
carriage and the entire Cabinet arrayed with Members of the House and the
Senate to boot. No doubt in etiquette the proper thing to do but
there is a fundamental irony to it. A man, who was a racist, supported
the ban against Blacks going into the Savoy theatre that he owned on Bay
Street, being honoured by the descendants of the persons that he tried
to keep under subjection and control.
Massive crowds (see Tribune photo by Felipé Major) turned
up on Windsor Park to mark the occasion and to remember 10 January, 1967,
the biblical tenth day of the first month when the Israelites would go
free. It was a time when PLPs and Blacks had no money but they felt
that enough was enough and their pride in ancestry rose them up and broke
off the shackles. This year more than any other, we must reclaim our country
if only to safeguard the sacrifice of H. Campbell Cleare I and also if
only to protect the future of his great grandchildren, the daughters of
H. Campbell Cleare III, and the son and daughter of Philip and Hedda Smith
(nee Cleare) and others of their cohorts.
This week we had 28,455 hits
on this site for the week ending 12 January 2002. That makes a total
of 44,473 hits on this site for the
month of January 2002. Thanks for reading and please keep reading.
From the Corner
The Child Protection Bill
Hail to the
Real Pit Bull in Politics Bradley 'How Much Rounds Left' Roberts, for The
Real Knockout? A heat seeking Pit bull unlike that other fellow who
would Pit at any Bull, Roberts reacts only to intense heat wherever there
is a stench of corruption, unfairness and dereliction of duty in public
of Sean McWeeney / Pindling funeral
For a photo essay on the funeral of Archdeacon
William Thompson. Click
here. THE
Store Closings - Colombian Emeralds, the Freeport based jeweller
that is one of the largest in the Caribbean has closed a store in the Freeport
International Bazaar leaving fifteen people out of work. Easy Drug
mart, a significant retail pharmacy has closed two stores in Freeport one
in the new RND plaza and another in the Freeport International Bazaar,
putting ten more people out of work. Unconfirmed reports have it
that the Big Game Fishing Club in Bimini has laid off 45 of its employees
in what would be a major blow to the economy of that island. Big
Game was bought from the Bacardi Company by new foreign investors who have
reportedly run out of money and are looking for additional investors.
Signs of the dying days of the FNM administration in the northern Bahamas.
"This is not right."- FNM politicos at breakfast Saturday 12
January at Geneva's in Freeport were scolded by a noted local attorney
and branded as "weaklings" for allowing the proposed "rush job on the constitution"
and the confirmation of Dame Ivy Dumont as Governor General. "To
confirm Dame Ivy flies in the face of every conceivable convention of an
outgoing Prime Minister... The constitution is supposed to be the collective
will of the people and we only find out what that will is through dialogue,
debate and consensus... It should never be the imposed will of one man...
" We say, amen.
FNM General Bargaining - Former and unceremoniously dumped FNM
Vice Chairman Mike Edwards has been all around town threatening not follow
a directive to report to the campaign trail in his native Mayaguana.
Friends of the outspoken FNM contractor report that Mike "says he ain'
going unless they get rid of the bad mailboat, promise to fix the airport
in Mayaguana and promise the people a clinic and a morgue... He gatta have
something to tell them after all this time." We say, too late now,
my brother!
C.A. Smith Again? - Communications have been flooding into News
From Grand Bahama for the nomination of FNM Pineridge MP and Minister C.A.
Smith for Jackass Of The Week. We have reported for weeks that the
Driftwood Group's Resorts at Bahamia was in money trouble and courting
danger with the slow pace of its renovations. Now, after our last
powerful series of reports on this point last week Sunday 6 January, Minister
Smith appeared in the press Monday 7 January advising Resorts at Bahamia
to hurry up with renovations or miss the 2002 winter tourist season.
The trouble is they have already missed the season, given the state of
the property at this moment. This is nothing but political and disingenuous
grandstanding by the Minister who must also knows that the engineering
staff is to be cut by 50 percent and that the company's real estate and
residential management arm, Bahamia Realty is to be shut down at the end
of the month. The Minister's actions are insincere and nothing short
of playing on the emotions of the staff many of whom face looming unemployment.
Mr. Christie will announce that his Council has decided that he is
to contest the Farm Road constituency. The change was necessitated
when the Prime Minister destroyed the Centreville seat held by Mr. Christie
and the Shirlea seat, held by Pierre Dupuch of the FNM, to create a new
seat called St. Thomas Moore. The Farm Road seat holds Mason’s Addition
from his old Centreville seat and much of the old Grants Town constituency
of Bradley Roberts, the party’s Chair. Bradley Roberts is to run
in the Grants Town/Bain Town seat, a new seat out of the rump of his old
Grants Town constituency and the Bain Town seat of 1997. The result
is the Rev. C. B. Moss, the previous nominee for Bain Town, is without
a seat. Rev. Moss has not announced what he will do.
Sidney Stubbs (left) has been withdrawn as the candidate for Bamboo
Town and no one from the PLP will contest the election against Tennyson
Wells. Mr. Wells has pledged to support the PLP’s candidates throughout
The Bahamas except for the seats of his erstwhile allies in the Free National
Movement. A similar move is expected with regard to the St. Margaret’s
seat and Pierre Dupuch who is to run as an independent. The talk
is that the same thing will be done in Long Island, where Larry Cartwright,
a former teacher is to run as an independent in that constituency against
the incumbent James Knowles.
There are two other seats whose candidates are being reviewed, one
in Nassau, the other in the islands.
And so the horses are headed to the starting gate. The tensions
within the party are there as a result of the blood letting on Thursday
17 January but nothing could rival the so called night of the long knives
in 1977. We remind ourselves about that below. But this writer,
invited by the Leader into the room, sat at the back and watched it all.
So this was the proverbial smoke filled room, where the decisions got made
and unmade; the power to appoint and disappoint. Time to watch, analyse
and inwardly digest.
This week we had 35,179 hits
on this site for the week ending Saturday 19 January at midnight.
That makes 79,673 hits on this site
for the month of December. Please keep reading and thank you for
From This Corner
From The Corner
From this Corner
of Sean McWeeney / Pindling funeral
For a photo essay on the funeral of Archdeacon
William Thompson. Click
You'all Eat In The Back! - In a move said to be a retaliation
for not being allowed to use employee pension money, Resorts at Bahamia
has instructed all Bahamian staff that they are henceforth to take their
meals in the kitchen. From time immemorial, Bahamian staff above
a certain level at the hotels had been allowed to sign for and consume
meals in the various restaurants. No more. Now the word is
"All you'all eat in the back!" As the waiter said in our previous
story: "this is what the FNM Government has brought to us to."
BHICAM Letter - Originally intended for publication in The
Freeport News, this letter concerns the scandalous situation at the
Bahamian engineering firm BHICAM, which the Grand Bahama Container Port
is currently attempting to put out of business. (See our story last
week) The letter writer has asked if we would publish it, because insiders
at the Freeport News have said that publication is "under orders
not to publish anything that would affect the Container Port - you'all
know what happened to the last fellow who tried that." The last is
a veiled reference to a senior journalist no longer employed at the Freeport
News after running afoul of the power structure in the city. Please
click here for the letter.
C.A. Under Threat - Underground informants tell News From Grand
Bahama that H. Rudy Sawyer intends to run as an independent candidate against
the FNM incumbent for Pineridge, C.A. Smith. Speaking on the condition
of anonymity, one of Sawyer's campaign generals advised Minister Smith
to "Pack your georgie bundle, C.A. - you're gone!" Already wary of
the challenge from the PLP's Ann Percentie, the Minister's top aides are
shaken that one so well-connected to the FNM would contemplate a run in
Pineridge. Sawyer is brother to key campaign aides for former FNM
Minister Algernon Allen in Marathon and Senator Pauline Cooper-Nairn in
St. Thomas Moore. Currently the Deputy Chief Councillor in the city
of Freeport, Sawyer has a history of eking out victories against the FNM
party machinery having defeated FNM nominees twice in his runs for the
city council. Sawyer and most of his supporters on the Freeport City
Council seem partial towards renegade FNM Tennyson Wells. Things
that make you go hmmm!
'Our' Lucaya Casino Deal Falls Through - Confirming reports
that we made on this website months ago, Hutchison Whampoa, the mainland
Chinese owners of 'Our' Lucaya announced that they are searching for a
new firm to open the casino there. The financially troubled London
Club has pulled out of the deal. Again, we ask, what about the Government's
"due diligence' search on these people. We were able to report their
financial problems months ago, and a full-fledged Government investigation
couldn't find this out? Perhaps the Gaming Board and Hutchison should
read this website more closely.
Who Has Registered - Interesting insight this week from the Parliamentary
Registration Department in Grand Bahama. A spokesman revealed to
ZNS Radio News that contrary to widely held opinion, young people are registering
to vote; typically showing up on their eighteenth birthdays or the following
day. The Parliamentary Registration spokesman said that it is the
older, professional and more affluent Grand Bahama residents who are unwilling
to come forward. These are the same people who at one time called
Freeport "FNM country". Is this major trouble for the FNM in Grand
It is clear that Hubert Ingraham is trying to promote Pauline Cooper
Nairn. She is married to Permanent Secretary Archie Nairn for the
Minister of Transport. She led off the debate on the proposed amendments
to the constitution. She is a faithful soldier and cheerleader.
She says that she has read this site once and she thought the site was
trash, and that this writer was too intelligent to be associated with such
trash. In that respect she lives in ga ga land. Her brown eyes
are dazzling as she talks this claptrap, and she could not possibly believe
it. She is a lost cause.
But she is typical of the unthinking foot soldiers that Hubert Ingraham
has in the FNM. Notwithstanding all the evidence around that the
Government is consumed by corruption and nepotism, she still manages to
find redeeming qualities in the FNM. There is of course, the hatred
of Pindling because of perceived wrongs to her father. No forgive
and forget there. Again, this is typical of so many. And it
is that hatred that will drive the Free National Movement through the next
election. They intend to try and stick the message that this is the
same old PLP. I don’t think it is going to work.
This Senator believes that the Government of The Bahamas has serious
money problems. It cannot meet its bills. There was a report
this week that Bahamasair couldn’t meet payroll on the regular day.
And as Bradley Roberts and I tried to get to Exuma for a meeting on Friday
25 January, we could not because Bahamasair’s planes had all broken down.
They could have sent us later if the lights were working in Georgetown
but the lights have not been operational at the airport in Georgetown for
some time. By the time we found this out, we could not charter a
plane because official dark did not allow us to land in Georgetown without
permission. And so a whole day was wasted in Nassau.
That is typical of what is happening in The Bahamas today.
We have the foot soldiers of the FNM like Pauline Cooper-Nairn and yes
even the Trust lady Lynn Holowesko singing the praises of a corrupt Government.
Things are collapsing about them, but they think it’s all wonderful. They
think that people could not be possibly fed up with a biggety, disrespectful
Prime Minister who simply makes up things as he goes. From our point
of view that is why he has to be defeated.
This week we had 36,091 hits
on this site for the week ending 26 January 2002 at midnight. That
makes 115,762 hits on this site for
the month of January. Thanks for reading and please keep reading.
I hear something saying ooh ahh, ooh ahh
From this Corner
To Sonny The Dreamer
To the M.P. for Fox Hill
of Sean McWeeney / Pindling funeral
For a photo essay on the funeral of Archdeacon
William Thompson. Click
Minister Rebuked - It was another sign of the FNM times in The
Bahamas. Minister of Transport, Aviation and Local Government C.A.
Smith was rebuked to his face in public by a senior official of Resorts
at Bahamia for the Minister's comments about the slowness of the renovation
project at the Resorts. Observers said the ministers could
say nothing but hang his head. A Minister of The Bahamas Government.
Is this worth the 'free' lunch?
More Contempt From Resorts - Resorts at Bahamia this week continued
to show contempt for the Government and people of The Bahamas this week
by advertising in the local Freeport newspaper for someone to train a trainer
in food and beverage. No problem with that, but the problem is that
the Resorts at Bahamia have over the past months fired at least two such
qualified Bahamians for no demonstrable reason. Even now, reports
have it that the resorts are continuing to attempt at bringing in an expatriate
to fill the position. The same expatriate has been deported once
already by the Department of Immigration.
Money Moves - Contractors working on the renovation project at
Resorts at Bahamia were incensed. Several report that at 4.55 Friday
afternoon, Resorts at Bahamia finally released the cheques to the contractors,
knowing full well that they would not catch the bank that day. By
5.30 Friday, News From Grand Bahama was inundated with calls of complaint.
Informants tell us that Resort at Bahamia is hoping for a good weekend
in the hotels and casino and by Monday they hope to deposit enough money
to cover those cheques.
Charlie Lowe, Still Unpaid - Earlier this month, we reported
that local contractor Charlie Lowe, also the FNM Council Member for Marco
City, had yet to be paid for a job received from FNM Deputy Leader elect
and Minister of Education Dion Foulkes during the now infamous run-up to
the FNM's special convention. Please click
here for that story. Now reports have it Mr. Lowe has told certain
FNM higher-ups that if "you'all want to see why lobster red, don't pay
me my money." One Government Minister said that since 11 September, the
Government has had to reorder its priorities and that Mr. Lowe is now down
on the list. The Lowe family is now reportedly threatening to make
voting for the FNM a low priority for them all.
Ministers Battle - The two Government ministers from Grand Bahama
are said to be engaged in a fierce tug of war over the contract to repair
the Grand Bahama post office and a local contractor has been caught in
the middle. A friendly warning for the contractor. Make sure
you get everything in writing. In a short while, these Ministers
will be Ministers no more and all the underlings may forget the orders
they gave you. A word to the wise should be sufficient.
Who is Better, Better? - An informal chat amongst FNM generals
in Grand Bahama revealed that of all their number, they could think of
only two who are better off now that they were in 1992 when the FNM Government
came to power. Out of their own mouths.
Congratulations - News From Grand Bahama offers congratulations
to the troublesome expatriate manager at the Grand Bahama Container Port
who was obliged by the Department of Immigration to leave the country.
Well, we can now report that he's back on the job. Newly married
to a Bahamian girl. We say, welcome home.
Bethell, the former House of Assembly Member and Government leader in the
Senate, and Minister without Portfolio, died at the home of his daughter
in New Orleans.He was airlifted
there following a fall at his home in Nassau on 20 December.He
was 92 years old.Mr. Bethell was
a member of the House of Assembly and was later appointed to the Legislative
Council and then the Executive Council.The
Legislative Council was the forerunner of the Senate.The
Executive Council, the forerunner of the Cabinet.He
retired from the Executive Council in 1958 due to ill health.He
served in the House from 1939 for 20 years as the Member for Grand Bahama.Upon
internal self-government in 1964, he was appointed the Leader of the Government's
business in the Senate and a Minister without portfolio.He
is survived by his wife Brenda and his two daughtersJulie
LeCorgne of New Orleans and Kristin Bethell of Nassau and a son Charles
Bethell.Mr. Bethell retired as President
of Bethell Estates Ltd., the company that incorporated the estate of his
late father who was also a Member of the House of Assembly.I
remember an interview with Mr. Bethell with the Tribune.In
that interview he admitted that even though they owned the Savoy Theatre
on Bay Street that discriminated against black people, he wasuncomfortable
with that discrimination.Further,
he said that his father had children with women outside his marriage and
it caused him grief that those children could not come into the theatre
because of their colour.A remarkable
interview.A chapter has passed.May
he rest in peace!
information about the life of CWF Bethell was compiled from The Tribune
3 January 2002.
Thomas Crawley died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 80.He
lived in Imperial Park, New Providence but he started and lived most of
his life in the Lyon Road area in the eastern end of New Providence.Mr.
Crawley served on the police force for 30 years and retired as Assistant
Commissioner of Police.He then went
on to be a successful businessman as the owner of Bahamas Transport, the
meter taxi company 323-5111.Mr.
Crawley is survived by his wife Florene.Mr.
Crawley was a part of a generation of self made men.He
was born into a country with a strict separation of the races and succeeded
from a childhood in poverty and deprivation to a life of wealth and comfort,
and raising children of a professional generation.Mr.
Crawley's success is not unlike another former Police Officer Sir Albert
Miller who was recently knighted by the Queen, and is now Co-Chair of the
Grand Bahama Port Authority.Mr.
Crawley was my father's friend and the death struck me like a bolt out
of the blue even though he had been ailing with prostate cancer for at
least two years.My father Fred Sr.
died in May of last year.Fred Sr.,
William Eneas, the father of Godfrey Eneas, and Sir Clement Maynard were
a regular foursome at lunch. Now only Sir Clement is left.I
am only sorry that after promising and promising and promising as late
as just before Christmas to go see him before he died that I did not get
a chance to fulfil that promise.But
I think that he lived a great life and I thank him for the friendship to
my father and our family. May he rest in peace.Mr.
Crawley willbe buried in a semi-military
funeral in St. Matthew’s Anglican Church on Tuesday 8 January at 10 a.m.
and then to Woodlawn Cemetery.
Roberts, the former Member of Parliament for North Eleuthera is said to
be ailing and gravely ill.Geoffrey
Johnstone, recently knighted by the Queen, is said to be considering heart
by-pass surgery.
palace announced as one of those who received honours from the Queen in
the New Year’s honours list, Supt. Larry Ferguson who now heads the South
Beach Police Station in New Providence.Supt
Ferguson was honoured with the Colonial Police Medal and is now entitled
to use the letters CPM behind his name.
is supposed to be a warm country.But
every once in a while during the months of December to late March, the
weather plunges the temperatures to the fifties Fahrenheit and often lower
in the northern reaches of the country.On
Thursday 3 January, a wind blew in from the north and brought with it torrential
rains, flooding low lying areas of New Providence.In
the aftermath of that rain came plunging temperatures.Some
predicted that the temperature was expected on Friday 4 January to plunge
to 50 degrees. In any event, it gave people a chance to pull out their
trench coats and gloves.It was quite
a funny scene to see this in weather that is really quite temperate. Oh
by the way, there was also a lightning storm.
Rolle, President of the Bahamas Economic Association, has predicted that
the economy of The Bahamas will contract by 1.5 to 2 per cent over this
year. He predicts that there will not be a recovery in this economy until
the year 2003.
who did not sign his name, responded by e-mail to a line in this column
last week.The column said that we
might find ourselves at our election at the kind of impasse there is in
the United States where according to the column fully half of the population
believes that the election was stolen from George Bush’s opponent.The
person wrote that this columnist should confine his remarks to The Bahamas.He
goes on to say that he was happy that as a result of the reverses in the
stock market, he did not invest in the purchase of a home in the The Bahamas.He
claimed that there are other Caribbean destinations in which he could invest
his money that are not hostile to US investment.The
immediate response was one of sarcasm, like I wanted to say : “Sorry massa,
I won’t do it again.” But I think this kind of arrogant nonsense by the
writer is antithetical to anything that I understand about the United States
as a country.The essence of the
country is freedom of speech and opinion.Certainly,
in my country I fight for and I have freedom to express my ideas and to
impart and receive information.Just
as this person, presumably a man and presumably an American citizen can
come to my country and prescribe what he or she thinks must and can happen
here, I can say what I damn well please about what happens in the United
States.This is all the more so since
what happens there influences what happens here. And
further any investment American or otherwise is perfectly safe and there
is no hostility to American investment or any other investment.To
that person: get a life.
Christie, the Leader of the Opposition is smitten. Theladies
of quality have all joined in.What
are we talking about?It is the latest
Junkanoo group, in the group C category.Group
C is otherwise known as scrap group.It
is for those who simply want to put on some fringe and rush.We
saw PLP Allyson Gibson in her costume.We
saw Mrs. Wisdom, the florist in her costume. Then there was Jolton Johnson
from the Archives Department.Gary
‘Super’ Johnson said that the idea was simply to have fun.All
the rules are brushed aside.Their
theme for Boxing Day:Heading Down
to the Fish Fry.And to prove it
along the route they gave out pieces of fried fish.The
theme for New Year’s Day – Still at the Fish Fry.The
crowd loves it.It is the tradition
of old time Junkanoo, with the emphasis on revelry and fun.Mr.
Johnson was interviewed with his fellow Sting members in a liquor store.And
he said that while the other groups are in the shack, pasting and designing,
they are partying.He said Junkanoo
begins tomorrow so we start pasting our costumes tomorrow.The
coup de grace has got to be the song commissioned by the group from Stevie
S., the most popular musician in town these days.The
song is called: We are the Sting.And
it has its own dance as well.B.H.
Hanna, the insurance man and M.C. extrordinaire leads the group on Bay
Street, and looks like he is the lead dancer as well. ‘Who are we?’ says
the song’s chorus. The answer: ‘We are the sting’.
7th January 2002 under the historic Fig Tree in front of the Supreme Court
building in Nassau, this columnist will present his Annual Review Of The
Judiciary at 9.30 in the morning. If you are unable to attend, a
full report will be available on this website by lunchtime on Monday.
congratulate Jeanne Thompson who has joined us under the fig tree on so
many occasions for the annual review of the Judiciary. We show the occasion
in 1999.Ms. Thompson is to be sworn
in as a Justice of the Court at Government House on Monday 6 January 2002
at 12 noon.
We have finally gotten the picture. And it is a beauty.
The young doctor in training and his new wife appear here resplendent following
their marriage on 1 December at Zion Baptist Church in Nassau. The
picture was taken on the steps in the lobby of the British Colonial Hotel,
where the reception was held. Congratulations again.
Lowe Wants Pay - "If a man works he should be paid...." said
Charlie Lowe, the FNM Council Member for Marco City, once described in
the House of Assembly by Tennyson Wells as a mosquito for his receipt of
a contract during the FNM special convention from Minister of Education
Dion Foulkes. Mr. Lowe was given the contract for work at the Freeport
Primary School and is now complaining that the work has been done, the
Ministry of Works has signed off on it and yet he cannot get paid.
Complaints have been made to Minister for Works Ken Russell, and to Mr.
Lowe's MP David Thompson. Mr. Lowe is known around Grand Bahama as
a "special projects political officer" for the Prime Minister... All this
and he cannot paid. Mr. Lowe was warned against speaking with correspondents
for this website, but friends said "He's under extreme pressure and a lot
of stress and he needs his money now... He knows the whole story.
They better pay Charlie Lowe." We say, ah well.
Click on a heading to go to that story; press ctrl+home to return
to the top of the page.
Roker’s (Minister of National Security in the PLP administration) brother
Leonard told me a story about an encounter that he had as a young man with
H. Campbell Cleare I. Yes not the third but the first. I knew
the grandfather of Campbell Cleare III the attorney and I know the father
of Campbell Cleare III and of course the third is my contemporary.
Mr. Cleare the first sold and fixed bicycles for a living. He had
a shop on Bay Street. Mr. Cleare III used to help out in his shop
when he was a little boy.
week, we celebrated 10 January 1967. That was the day in our history
when the descendants of the slaves took over the reins of the country for
the first time. Mr. Bethell and his kind were ousted from the Government.
They were returned some 25 years later in 1992, much older, in disguise
and with one of us at the control. We have suffered social reverses
in the ten years that Hubert Ingraham, their agent has been in power.
Rule Day 1967 in Retrospect
Some people think we don’t have the right to say “This is my country”,
and before they give in they would rather fuss, deny, and fight, rather
to have us say…”This is Our Country”. We have toiled 300 hundred years
or more…in slave driving sweat and marks of the master’s whips on our backs……...
“This is My Country”. Too many have died in protecting our pride, for us
to remain simply “Second Class”. We have survived those hard blows of discrimination,
bigotry, and in-equality… Now you must face us at last. So now we could
live equal as a nation…. But it was not by your consideration….”This is
My Country”.
To Niki Kelly
Whose objectivity and focus can not be swayed
Here’s to the lady who has wrangled and raged on political wrongdoers
Even from the P.L.P days
Here’s to the lady who continuously reports the truth and stands
for Justice
Even as Hubert rages
Well “Great Balls” are truly on fire! So wake up all you fellas,
no more sneaking in bed… No more outback hotel and motel rooms you have
to do it home instead. The Child Protection Laws has changed so very
much from what it used to be. There is now inheritance for little
Sue, Tim, and EVEN little Tommy. The country could not have gotten
better if we had let those old laws be. Imagine unlawful children
but not unlawful daddies and mammies. So wake up everybody be careful
how you sneak in bed, take it from this Corner. I am truly AHEAD!
12th Review of the Judiciary
Review of the Judiciary
Address to Senate: Why the PM is the way he is
speech to PLP Convention 2000
& Me - A personal retrospective on the life and times of Sir Lynden
by Fred Mitchell
to the Senate Budget Debate / Haitian Issue
to the Senate Clifton Cay Debate / Haitian Issue
to PLP Leadership meeting in Exuma / Haitian Issue
Morris on OECD Blacklist
Mitchell Antioch College speech
The funeral
Gilbert Morris on the country's blacklisting
of Sir Lynden's death & funeral
Site Links
PLP Position on Clifton
Canadian contacts Reg & Kit's Bahamas Links
Bahamian Cycling News
Links to Bahamians on the web
Politics Forum
Harbour Island Site
Wednesday 9 January 2002, this Senator and other Parliamentary colleagues
including the Prime Minister attended the funeral of the late C.W. F. Bethell
(Peter Ramsay photo of this Senator arriving at the church) who
died at the age of 92 at his daughter’s New Orleans' home the week before
last. He was buried in the Western Cemetery.
It was a fascinating exercise in social history
to attend the funeral. Many of us, I am sure, had never visited the
Presbyterian Kirk, where only the white and privileged have in the past
been members. The Blacks who are members are the family of the late
Dr. Cleveland Eneas Sr. and the family of Tim Donaldson, the former Central
Bank Governor are amongst the few Black families that attend today.
But in the main, the church is almost like a secret society to Blacks.
Dr. Jim Berger, an American who is its present church leader, has to his
credit sought to mix with all sectors of the community.
The old establishment of the minority UBP government
turned out in force. Godfrey Kelly, the former Minister of Education
under the UBP; Geoffrey Johnstone, the last Chairman and last Leader of
the Opposition of the United Bahamian Party; C.W.F. Bethell’s brother John,
the former UBP Minister of Works. They were on one side. The
new Black leaders of the country were on the other side of the church.
Godfrey Kelly did an excellent eulogy and provided
a peep into the life of that class that continues much today. It
was a life of fun and privilege, mixing business and Government.
Charlie Bethell, as he was known was an avid hunter and fisherman.
He also flew his own sea plane. Mr. Kelly caused a stir by suggesting
that the UBP ministers worked in the days when they did their public service
for free. Nothing could be further from the truth. While they
received no salary for their work as Ministers, all of them had contracts
with the Government. Sir Roland had the contracts to fix Government
roads for example. He was the Premier. So while they received
no salary, they benefited from the positions in the Government. No
where was that clearer than in the scandal of the Port Authority consultancy
fees paid to Ministers of the UBP Government that brought about casino
gambling to Freeport and with it the downfall of the Government.
Two things on the FNM’s agenda are dredging up the
bitterness and racial divisions of the bygone era. Their approach
to this funeral and their seeking to amend the constitution of the country.
We comment on the latter below.
swear it’s true. But shortly after the House of Assembly adjourned
on Tuesday 8 January, someone was passing the Western Cemetery. They
saw the Prime Minister's car parked outside the cemetery. The Western
Cemetery is where the family plot of the late C.W.F. Bethell is.
He was buried there last week. The informant peeped over the walls to see
what was happening inside the grave. There to his surprise he found
Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and his bodyguard inspecting the grave site
of C.W.F. Bethell. This story brought up all of the stories about
Mr. Ingraham as an Uncle Tom inspecting the grave of his master.
It seemed an inappropriate and insensitive thing to do. Surely someone
else could have inspected the grave. And worse than that, the public
service was all awash with the stories of the extra persons out on the
job to make sure that the grave was spic and span and that the road sides
were all cleared of debris for the funeral as well. Of course on
the face of it this was the proper thing to have done except the place
should be kept clean as a matter of course, not pull out all of the stops
for a special occasion. Peter Ramsay's Bahama Journal photo of Mr. Ingraham
grieving with the Bethell family.
Not many people remember the interview. But last week, we spoke
of it and perhaps we shall try to get the full story from The Tribune.
But sometime in the 1980s Charles Bethell gave an interview to The Tribune
in which he admitted that his father had children outside his marriage
with Black women. He said all of the children were girls. There
are many who disagree and say that there are at least two boys. One
of the girl children is the mother of Janet Bostwick, the now Minister
of Foreign Affairs. And so in terms of blood lines, the Minister
of Foreign Affairs is the niece of C.W. F. Bethell. Such is the role
of sex in the history of The Bahamas. It is not so unusual.
Societies like ours and the plantation societies in the Southern United
States and the Caribbean are replete with stories of racial mixtures.
One has only to note the controversy over the Sally Hemmings liaison with
former U.S. president Thomas Jefferson. Ms. Hemmings was said to
have been a slave concubine with whom Jefferson had several children.
And so it was in The Bahamas, the mixing of the races while officially
unsanctioned did not stop the mixing under the sheets. The story
is told of how the women were specially treated. The homes of the Black
concubines of white Bahamian leaders were a cut above the others in the
Black neighbourhoods, with running water as an added and unique feature
for the homes. After the evening meetings at the House of Assembly
the white members would repair to their sweetheart's places in the Black
community. Their wives were apparently aware of it and turned a blind
On 10 January 2002, the anniversary of Majority Rule day in The Bahamas,
The Tribune‘s editorial chose not to celebrate the diversity and success
of The Bahamas as a model for racial peace and harmony. Instead they
chose to raise a specious and spurious issue about the PLP dividing families
because they refused to give citizenship to the husband of Brenda Barry,
Dr. Graham Barry, an Australian. The Tribune claims that because
the PLP refused to give citizenship to Dr. Barry, the Barry marriage broke
up. The decision not to give citizenship caused them to take up their
bundle and move to her husband’s country Australia.
The FNM now proposes to amend the constitution to allow for the male
spouses of the Bahamian women to apply and get citizenship on the grounds
that they are married to Bahamians. This is supposed to equalize
the position where Bahamian men marry foreign women. Except that
the FNM does not seem quite sure. All the Opposition forces in the
Parliament have objected to the bills to amend the constitution on the
grounds that the issues are being rushed and ill considered and that the
referendum questions are not being properly and fairly put.
The Attorney General has introduced a bill, which
the PLP voted against in the House to shorten the period between the time
when the proclamation is made and the referendum to approve the amendment
to the constitution is held to 21 days down from 30 days. The FNM
claims that this will make it consistent with the period between the proclamation
of dissolution of the Parliament and a general election.
But the point is this; the PLP must oppose all of
these bills regardless of the merits. There has been no constitutional
commission or constitutional conference with the people of the country.
There has been no green paper. The mischief about which the Government
complains on citizenship has been cured with the grant of a spousal permit
for all spouses of Bahamians. The Government itself appears to have
backed off their first approach and has now changed their position and
brought nine new bills to the House to amend the constitution, each on
a separate issue.
They want instead of granting citizenship to male
spouses of Bahamian women upon marriage like with female spouses they now
say they want to grant the right after five years of a spousal work permit.
This is a hodge podge and ill considered. They don’t know what they
want themselves. It is not appropriate to treat a constitution this
way. The PLP must not agree to this and must urge the population
to vote “no” to the whole package.
We must galvanize public opinion on this and join
issue with the Government on it. Let’s have a showdown before the
election, defeat them and finish them off during the General Election.
Given this Government’s inability to stand up for our sovereignty, what
is to prevent the US Ambassador from giving our Prime Minister a call and
asking him to amend our constitution to correct the ruling of Justice Anita
Allen that the Financial Intelligence Unit cannot freeze a person’s bank
account? The FNM has the numbers to do so. The question is
not though what the FNM will do. The question is will the PLP stand
on its hind legs and defend the sovereignty of this country?
What Mr. Ingraham proposes to do is bring up all
of the old history and old bitterness and divide this country once again
on racial lines if he is not careful. And that will be his legacy,
dividing the races.
The high point of the disrespect for the Parliament of The Bahamas
by the FNM we thought came last year when the Senate was suspended indefinitely
while we waited for the Government to draft financial legislation so that
it could be passed. The legislation was so badly drafted and rushed
through and it was an insult to Parliament by the manner in which it was
done. In a few weeks because of the bad drafting, the Government
was right back to correct mistakes made in the legislation. Now they
propose to rush through the constitutional amendments.
We have said above that the PLP and all opposition
forces should vote no to this abuse of the Parliament of The Bahamas.
Another example of the rush is something pointed out by the Employers Confederation
to the Government when they brought into force the recently passed Employment
Act that repeals the Fair Labour Standards Act. The Government forgot
to put in certain transitional provisions.
The 40 hour work week is supposed to come into force
on 1 February 2002 in the first of two phases. In 2002, 44 hours
and then in 2003, 40 hours. Except that when you read Section 10
of the Bill upon the act coming into force on 1 January the work week immediately
drops to 40 hours as a consequence of the repeal of the 48 hour work week
set by the Fair Labour Standards Act. So for one month employees
will be entitled from 1 January 2002 to 1 February 2002 to a forty hour
work week and then the week goes to 44 hours for one year. That means
that for that month over time claims can be made per the forty hour work
No spokesman for the Government was able to answer
the point. When raised by this senator, they were dumbfounded. Rush!
Rush! Rush!
On the same day that this columnist delivered the review of the Judiciary
Monday 7 January, the Commissioner of Police Paul Farqhuarson and senior
colleagues released the annual crime statistics over the past year.
According to the Police, their statistics show that
crime has dropped overall by some 17 percent. Crimes against the
person posted a 25 percent decrease with major crimes such as murder decreasing
by 42 per cent. Armed Robbery fell by 38 per cent. These are all 2001 as
against 2000 figures. The number of murders reported and committed
in 2000 was 74. In 2001, the same figure was 44.
The Commissioner said that this was due to the implementation
of a policy for the management of crime. Said he: “As a result of
this initiative we are well on our way in bringing crime to more manageable
levels than before.”
Not so fast said criminologist and former National
Crime Commission member Dr. Elliston Rahming. Said Dr. Rahming: “The
sad fact is that the glowing reports of a 17 percent drop in crime when
placed under scrutiny simply means that the FNM has made no significant
dent in crime since coming to power. The deal was not to lower crime
from the year 2000 to 2001. The deal was to ensure that under the
FNM serious crime would fall below where they met it. That was the
Dr. Rahming said that for example in 1993 there
were 35 murders but in 2001 there 44. That is a 21 per cent increase.
He also compared arrest rates between 1993 and 2001 on crimes against property.
In all those categories the arrest rate is worse when compared to 1993.
The FNM came to office in August 1992. An arrest rate is the rate
at which the police catch the person who commits crimes. The Police
have admitted that their success in crimes against the property remains
Dr. Rahming said that even though there has been
a decline in crime against the property since 1993, this while due to some
extent to the police can also be attributed to private security measures
including security firms, fencing and welding firms and closed circuit
TV and alarm companies.
Ultimately, Dr. Rahming said that for 2002 the goal
must be to raise the arrest rate for personal crime over the 50 per cent
benchmark and up to 20 per cent for crime against property. He encouraged
the strengthening of the relationship and building of trust between the
police and the public.
Jeanne Thompson is now a Judge of the Supreme Court. She was
sworn in as a Judge on Monday 8 January, shortly after the annual review
of the Judiciary by this Senator under the fig tree in front of the Supreme
Court. I went up to Government House where we posed for this Peter
Ramsay photo shortly after Ms. Thompson’s swearing in. She was sworn
in by Dame Ivy Dumont the new Governor General. Despite my opposition
to the appointment of Dame Ivy as Governor General, I greeted her with
the proper respect and even a kiss on the cheek.
Johnson served as assistant clerk of the Senate for over two decades.
She was a friend to all sides. She died tragically from cancer two
years ago next month. The Senate passed a unanimous resolution to
mark the occasion of her passing and thanked her for all the work that
she did in assisting senators. You
may click here for the remarks of this Senator on Ms. Johnson.
The Senate President J. Henry Bostwick presented the resolution duly framed
to the family. The presentation was made on Monday 8 January.
Her children Marlon and Nadia were there as was her mother Winifred Johnson.
Senators posed for this Peter Ramsay photo to mark the occasion with the
family of the late Yvonne Johnson.
Justice Sir Burton Hall shown in this newspaper photo (B.I.S. -
Derek Smith) shaking hands with the U.S. Ambassador Richard
Blankenship spoke at the opening of the court year on Wednesday 9 January.
The Attorney General Carl Bethel also spoke. It is fascinating how
they all respond to what is said by this columnist but refuse to acknowledge
who made the criticism.
As you know the annual review of the Judiciary for
2001 was made by this Senator on Monday 8 January under the fig tree in
front of the Supreme Court. The photo by Tim Aylen shows the toast
to the legal year outside the court. Pictured from left are: Jamal
Davis, Attorney, Gwendolyn House; Calvin Brown, PLP Stalwart Councillor;
this columnist; Ron Pinder, PLP - Marathon Constituency; Stan O. Smith,
Law Clerk, Gwendolyn House; Koed Smith, Attorney.
The review has become a point of interest to the
media because it gives an input into the inside workings of the Court. You
may click here for the annual address. But for me the response
is what is most fascinating.
The Chief Justice said the following: “I join my
predecessors in declaring that in The Bahamas the political directorate
has never attempted to subvert or direct the judiciary in the exercise
of their judicial function.” One must remind the public that in 1993
Justice Ira Rowe of the Court of Appeal who lived in Jamaica was denied
a ticket to enter The Bahamas to hear a case before the Court of Appeal
at the direction of the Janet Bostwick who was acting as the Minister of
Justice at the time. The Judge resigned and in his letter he said that
the Government had interfered with his work as a Justice of the Court of
Further the Chief Justice went on in his address
to agree with every criticism made by this Senator about the state of the
courts, the lack of manpower and equipment and money. But he disagreed
with the Court getting control of its own budget. The fact is that the
Government does not have to undermine or direct the Courts what to do,
it simply has to refuse to give it the resources it needs to do its job.
That is enough to undermine and subvert the judiciary. We expect
to discuss this issue at length when the issue comes to the Senate for
amending the constitution to increase the age of retirement for Judges
comes to the Senate.
But what really got us was the comment by the Chief
Justice that he does not believe that the Bench of The Bahamas should be
fully Bahamian. Left to me there would be a constitutional amendment
to prevent anyone who does not have citizenship from being a Judge of The
Bahamas. Remember that in order to be a member of the House or Senate
you have to be Bahamian. The Court is another branch of Government
and the same requirement must be there. Now if we concede that point
on Judges, maybe, just maybe we can give Margaret Thatcher a work permit
to be Prime Minister of The Bahamas for a couple of years.
Carl Bethel is a junior to almost every lawyer in the Office of the
Attorney General both in terms of years of call and in terms of actual
experience before the Bar. Yet as he says as a result of a political
decision, it falls to his lot as the Minister of Justice to defend the
Government and its policies as they subvert the courts. It seems
to have escaped the poor Attorney General that the Chief Justice did a
good job defending the Courts himself on the same day of his speech and
therefore needed no help from the Attorney General.
The Government does not provide the resources and
personnel to support the courts. It plays musical chairs with the
appointment of Judges. In his address to the Court on Wednesday 8
January, the AG claimed that he had to respond to the attacks on the Court
in the newspapers. He meant responding to me about the criticism
that the Government subverts the Courts. He claimed that this is
not so, and that the attacks have been malicious and slanderous.
Nonsense Attorney General! The facts speak for themselves.
On the day that Cassius Stuart and Omar Smith were
arraigned as a result of a purely political decision by you, the Magistrate
refused at first to arraign the men because the case was brought before
her at the last minute. She pointed out that she is unfairly singled
out for the allocation of cases and that she agreed with this Senator's
report about the state of the Magistrates' Courts. Perhaps the A.G. should
visit the Magistrates Courts' and see the appalling conditions. There
is no justice in those conditions.
Further, the Attorney General has injected himself
into another row by seeking to line up his political friends as Queen’s
Counsels before the FNM gets tossed from office. The list includes
Claire Hepburn and Michael Barnett of Peter Graham, the former UBP Minister's
law firm. To try and confuse, he has added PLPs Philip Brave Davis,
Paul Adderley and Sean McWeeney. Of course Paul Adderley will refuse
it. But the Attorney General would have us believe that there is
no politics involved. Yeah pull my other leg!
The problem with this Attorney General is that he
does not have the standing in the legal community, or the respect of the
Prime Minister to be able to restrain or influence the Government in its
unlawful and unconstitutional behaviour in so many areas.
The editorial of the Nassau Guardian on Thursday 10 January read as
follows: “Regardless to whether the government wants to listen because
of who the messenger is, the message that Fred Mitchell continues to bring
concerning the courts and the judiciary is relevant today as it has been
in past years, and it needs to be positively addressed… Senator Mitchell
may not be everyone’s favourite person but he does speak to an issue that
should be of concern to everyone because at some point what transpires
in the courts will have an effect on the total fabric of the society.
There are innocent persons going through the court system who invariably
are steered toward criminality because of a let down for them in the administration
of justice. These problems will not go away and they will not solve
themselves. The sagacity of the message should not be ignored because
of personal differences with the messenger.”
Stan O. Smith is a law clerk at our firm, Gwendolyn House and an attorney
in training. Stan was with us under the fig tree and was struck by
a reporter's question as to whether the annual Review of the Judiciary
is useful to the public. The Tribune of 10 January 2002 published
a letter on the matter from Stan under the heading 'Why fig tree address
is important' and we republish it here. It stands on its own. Please
click here.
The Government has moved to apply to the Court or Appeal for special
leave to overturn their decision in the case of my brother Matthew Mitchell
(click here for previous
story). The Court of Appeal is to be asked to give special leave
to appeal the overturning of the conviction. The case is to be heard
on 23 January. I believe that this is a personal and politically
motivated spiteful action by the Attorney General and his political colleagues.
Our family is deeply distressed that the Government would do this when
persons convicted of murdering people have been set free by the Court of
Appeal and no action of this kind has been taken.
The Central Bank Governor Julian Francis went a begging on behalf of
the Clearing House Banks because they are unable to comply with the reporting
requirements of the Financial Transactions Reporting Act. The deadline
was supposed to have been 31 December 2001. As a result of the inability
to make the deadline, the Government had no choice but to extend the deadline
to 30 May 2002. Paul McWeeney who is the Chair of the Clearing House
Banks Association, and Managing Director of the Bank of The Bahamas could
not say that even then the act will have full compliance. But he
told The Tribune on Thursday 10 January that by now the high risk accounts
- those over $10,000 - have been dealt with. Thank God! I have no
account over ten thousand dollars.
Lady Marguerite Pindling, the widow of former Prime Minister Sir Lynden
Pindling, laid a wreath at the grave of her late husband commemorating
the day that Sir Lynden came to office 10 January 1967. The photo
is by Peter Ramsay.
Stuart and Omar Smith were charged before Magistrate Marilyn Meeres on
Tuesday 8 January. They were charged with causing a disturbance in the
House of Assembly. A constitutional motion was filed by this Senator
on their behalf claiming that the offence was unconstitutional. The
matter will therefore have to be determined by the Supreme Court before
the Magistrate can hear the case. The Nassau Guardian photo by Farreno
Ferguson shows the pair after their release from Court. Bail was set in
the sum of $2000 with one surety. Mr. Smith’s wife stood bail for
him and Bishop Ross Davis stood bail for Mr. Stuart. If convicted,
they can be fined $600 or sent to prison for six months or both.
The charges arose out of a political act when the pair shackled themselves
to the Speaker’s mace on 3 December 2001 to protest the gerrymandering
of constituency boundaries by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.
Last week on this site we reported a contretemps aka bust up between
the Prime Minister and former Governor General Sir Orville Turnquest re
the keys to Government House.
On Tuesday 8 January the Bahama Journal published
a reply of Sir Orville.
The reply from Sir Orville in his own words: “This
entire story is a brazen lie, concocted by a malicious mind with the obvious
intent of making prejudicial character smearing a factor in the forthcoming
General Elections, rather than dealing with national issues.” Sir
Orville also defended the Prime Minister’s remarks in the radio interview
on Island FM on Sunday 30 December. The Prime Minister listed a number
of attributes for Tommy Turnquest son of Sir Orville and said that when
he compared them to the father he would still chose Tommy. The words
were interpreted to mean that Sir Orville did not have the qualities of
integrity, strength of character, which the Prime Minister found in Tommy.
Again Sir Orville struck back: “If the Prime Minister’s remarks are taken
as inferring [sic] that Tommy’s qualifications and personal attributes
when compared with mine make him more suitable to become a better Prime
Minister than I might have been then I most certainly agree with this also
because otherwise his mother and I, as his parents, would have failed to
train and prepare him to attain a higher level than I have done.”
Now he said that not us. Unbelievable!
As promised, some photos of the belated New Year's Junkanoo parade,
held Friday 4 January and won by the Valley Boys. The photos are
by Patrick Hanna of the Nassau Guardian. Best Costume, entitled 'Bird
Watching' and a horn player helping to provide the Valley Boys 'Best Music'
award. Congratulations again to the venerable Valley Boys for their
overall win. The Saxons were second, Roots third, One Family fourth,
Barbabbas & The Tribe fifth, and the Music Makers sixth.
Thelma Williams, a former nurse and the wife of Alfred Williams, attorney
at law, was buried in Nassau on Wednesday 9 January from St. Barnabas Church.
Mrs. Williams died of cancer. She had a long struggle. This
Senator was privileged to be a speaker at the funeral. She lives
in the Fox Hill constituency. In addition to her husband she is survived
by her daughters Stacie and Tami and a son, Mark. She is pictured.
Bahamian Business In Danger - News From Grand Bahama has learned
that BHICAM, a Bahamian engineering firm in Grand Bahama is in danger of
being put out of business by the Chinese conglomerate owned Grand Bahama
Container Port. BHICAM, under Bahamian engineer Larry Russell constructed
and maintains the giant cranes, which lift containers on and off ships
at the container port. Sources say that the firm has been given notice
that its contract is not to be renewed. Meanwhile sources say that
workers at the firm who have reportedly benefited from hundreds of thousands
of dollars of BHICAM training for the container port job have been secretly
courted to work directly for the container port. Friends of Mr. Russell
tell News From Grand Bahama "Larry is a faithful FNM and a true blue Valley
Boy who was lured back to The Bahamas from a good job in the States by
the FNM and now they're stabbing him in the back... If this is how this
Government treats its Bahamian loyalists, then God help the rest of us."
Meanwhile, Grand Bahama's FNM MPs and Government Ministers remain mute,
apparently more concerned about the fate of their potentially large election
donations from the container port than looming disaster for this Bahamian
engineer and his family.
Click on a heading to go to that story; press ctrl+home to return
to the top of the page.
is definitely getting to be that time again. The hard internal political
decisions are being made and along the way there is blood on the floor
and a few bodies. Politics, like the rest of life can at times be
a mean and brutal business. It can also be an exhilarating and kind
business. And when it is brutal, it is very very brutal. And
when it is kind, it is very very kind. Nothing demonstrates that
fact more than at nomination time, when the boundaries have all been cut,
and the 40 prizes have to be given out, who makes the final cut is very
often a matter of chance, choice, personal whim and connivance. Henry
of Anjou, played by Peter O'Toole in the 1968 classic The Lion in Winter
says it best: “Power is the only fact.”
a scant two hours after this site goes up on Sunday 20 January, the Leader
of the Opposition will be announcing a series of political decisions about
the nominations for the upcoming general elections. Those who have
accused Mr. Christie of being a waffler, now have the decisiveness for
which they craved. Speaking to his Council on Thursday 17 January,
Mr. Christie said that he had put in place the resources to obliterate
anyone who was not PLP in the upcoming general election in the seats of
Farm Road, Grants Town/Bain Town. The gasps in his audience were
Frank Smith (right), who ran in 1997 for the PLP in Blue Hills,
is to run in the new St. Thomas Moore seat. Glenys Hanna Martin (centre)
is to move to Englerston, following upon the withdrawal from politics of
Philip Galanis, the incumbent for the PLP in the seat. Mrs. Hanna
Martin was previously the nominee for Holy Cross against the incumbent
Attorney General Carl Bethel. Mr. Christie admitted a partiality
to Arthur D. Hanna, her father, who he said had been at his side through
his every political crisis. Rev. C.B. Moss was not offered the Englerston
‘The Bouncer’ Watson
Currently Frank ‘The Bouncer’ Watson has me in a truly complex state
of mind. I can’t seem to get a fix on all his different personalities.
Sometimes he acts like Frank James (Jesse James’ brother), and sometimes
he reminds me of Harry Hippie. You know Harry, who never worries about
anything in particular. He would attempt to write a check for sweet rest
on Sunset. But you know Hubert and The Boys like to help a man when he
is down. But how could they justify clearing Frank when he has bounced
cheques all over town. I’m sorry boys I think you gonna have to put Frank
down. But then again, Frank reminds me of Ben E. King, and that song he
sings Stand by Me. “When the night has come and the land is dark, and the
moon is the only light you’ll see... No I wont be afraid, no I shed a tear,
because I know Ingraham, The Tribune and Z.N.S will stand by me. And he
also reminds me of Percy Sledge, ‘Cover Me’, spread your precious, protective,
political arms all over me. Hide me, Hide me, where Bradley Roberts can’t
find me. God knows Ingraham I need you so!
To The Pan-Handler at ZNS
Please stop distorting the truth, remember this…The Bouncer was
not cleared of anything, so Pan- Handler get a life or you will be “ROLL
To the Tribune Editor
How many times must a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t
see…. Beware Madame Editor…The answer my friend is blowing in the Wind.
How many times must Hubert Ingraham do foolishness. And you support the
same. How many times Madam Editor must they misuse and abuse public funds?
And you Madame Editor pretend that you don’t see. Oh Madam Editor my dear
friend, the answer is blowing, “Freshly in the Wind”.
To a true PLP Stalwart Ezra Bond Thompson
A gallant political warrior with strong fortitude and true grit.
Whose loyalty to friends and his political party the PLP will go unmatched
in the political history of the PLP. A good and caring husband and father
and a provider of sort, to friend and foe. Well done brother Bond. Remember
I’m still younger than you are. AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT!!
12th Review of the Judiciary
Review of the Judiciary
Address to Senate: Why the PM is the way he is
speech to PLP Convention 2000
& Me - A personal retrospective on the life and times of Sir Lynden
by Fred Mitchell
to the Senate Budget Debate / Haitian Issue
to the Senate Clifton Cay Debate / Haitian Issue
to PLP Leadership meeting in Exuma / Haitian Issue
Morris on OECD Blacklist
Mitchell Antioch College speech
The funeral
Gilbert Morris on the country's blacklisting
of Sir Lynden's death & funeral
Site Links
PLP Position on Clifton
Canadian contacts Reg & Kit's Bahamas Links
Bahamian Cycling News
Links to Bahamians on the web
Politics Forum
Harbour Island Site
The Government has with the votes of the Opposition passed ten additional
bills that if approved by the Senate and in some cases the electorate will
amend the constitution of The Bahamas for the first time since it became
the basic law of the country in 1973.
It is time that the changes come. But this
Senator when he is asked at the referendum whether to vote or yes, will
vote no. We should not support anything that Mr. Ingraham proposes
at this time. The process is fatally flawed. The legislation
is rushed. The ten bills were advanced at this last minute after
nine years of promising constitutional reform, and after promising in his
1997 Manifesto and speech from the throne that reform would come.
He even appointed the then Geoffrey Johnstone to head a Commission to review
the constitution. He was the only commissioner ever appointed.
Now the Prime Minister has come with changes without the report of a commission
and without the public discussion, white paper or green paper that it requires.
The Opposition, with the exception of one dissenting
vote on one of the Bills by Coalition for Democratic Reform (CDR) Leader
Dr. B. J. Nottage, voted for the Bills. But the Leader of the Opposition
had this to say in his intervention before the vote on Wednesday 16 January:
are headed for general elections. Those of us in the Opposition have a
view of what is fair. If we regard the process [of the referendum]
as unfair, then this is what will happen. We will criticize and go
to the country on the basis that this is an illegitimate course of action
being advocated and you should not participate or you should vote no.”
We applaud the statement. It sets the pretext
for a no vote. In the view of Mr. Christie, fairness will mean that
those who oppose the referendum and the amendments will get a fair opportunity
at the expense of the public to air their views throughout the country.
If that is not done, then Mr. Christie says that the process will not be
fair. This senator believes that the entire thing is fatally flawed
and should not be supported in any way.
I urge you to vote no to anything put forward by
Mr. Ingraham. No constitution of The Bahamas should be amended in
the fashion in which this is being done. Leave the document alone!
The Government proposes eleven amendments to the constitution.
The Bahamas Constitution Amendment Act is the title of all of them.
[Code: * to amend you need three quarters of all
the members of each house on the final voting thereon, plus a fifty per
cent plus one majority in a referendum; *x, there are two types of
amendments in this bill in one case there is a requirement for a two thirds
majority of all the members voting in each house on the final voting in
that house for it to pass, plus the fifty plus one per cent majority in
a referendum and in other cases it requires a three quarters majority as
stated before plus the fifty one per cent majority at a referendum;
+ these are not entrenched provisions and so can be changed by a simple
majority of the Parliament.]
swirl of political rumours have been in the air for at least two years.
Philip Galanis, the Member of Parliament for Englerston (PLP) and one time
candidate for the leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party, has had
a hard time of it within the last five years. He lost his position as head
of the accounting firm Ernst and Young. And then he was engaged in
a strange and bitter lawsuit arising out of it. The suit and other
matters apparently were too much to handle in conjunction with running
an election campaign and representing a constituency. Mr. Galanis
announced after consultations with the Leader of the Opposition that he
is withdrawing from the race for this election and throwing his support
behind Glenys Hanna Martin as the candidate for Englerston. Mr. Galanis
told the House of Assembly: “It is my desire for my party to become the
government of The Bahamas following the next general elections, as indeed
I believe they will. If I am unable to give all to this effort, it would
be wrong for me to hinder the campaign in that regard.” We regret
this turn of events but accept that this was the best of a bad situation.
We wish him well.
Public Accounts Committee of the House of Assembly has reported on the
conduct of the Deputy Prime Minister. Mr. Watson had last year been
accused by Bradley Roberts of bouncing cheques to the public treasury as
a signatory to a customs brokerage firm Nassau Transfer in which he was
a shareholder. Further, that when it came time for the money to be
replaced, the money was reimbursed to the Treasury from funds paid to contractors
of the Ministry of Works where Mr. Watson was the Minister. Further,
it was alleged that the Prime Minister knew about the improprieties.
The Tribune’s headline on the report: ‘WATSON IS
CLEARED BY PAC’. This was the worst form of editorializing and a
complete lie. If you read the report, you will find that Mr. Watson
was not cleared of anything. In fact the report shows that there
were abundant irregularities that should lead to the resignation of the
Deputy Prime Minister. The record shows that Mr. Watson’s company
collected some $66,000 from the Public Treasury. This was a rebate
cheque due to the Holiday Inn for customs duties paid to the Government
on goods imported under the Hotel Encouragement Act. The company
used the funds for its own benefit to reimburse the Treasury for the bounced
cheques. The funds were never collected by Holiday Inn. The
attorney for the Holiday Inn said that it appeared that Nassau Transfer
had gone out of business.
The Committee said: “The Committee finds it regrettable
that in the circumstances, an investor in The Bahamas who was entitled
to rebates under the Hotel Encouragement Act has been deprived of funds
that are legitimately due to them and which they are still expecting to
receive… Based on the evidence available to it, the Committee finds it
regrettable that the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance and Planning
all of whom were aware of the pertinent facts and circumstances surrounding
the dishonoured cheques also appear to have acquiesced to the unusual and
irregular ‘resolution’ of this matter”.
The Public Accounts Committee is headed by Leader
of the Opposition Perry Christie. The Opposition has the majority
of members on this committee. The members are in addition to Mr.
Christie, Bradley Roberts (PLP); Philip Galanis (PLP); Elliott B. Lockhart
(FNM) and Anthony Miller (FNM). All members signed the report. Notwithstanding
The Tribune’s erroneous headline, a few days later The Tribune published
a story including reports of man on the street interviews. According
to the story written by Rupert Missick Jr. on Wednesday 16 January, eight
out of ten persons believe that Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson should
resign. One 56 year old resident of Winton Estates said: “What is good
for the goose should be good for the gander. Every time the PLP was
guilty of corruption the FNM was quick to speak out. If Mr. Watson
resigned I think that it would go well with their policy of transparency
and accountability.”
The National Co-ordinator for Information Technology Charles Knowles
announced last week the launching of the new Bahamas Government website.
It can be accessed at
Mr. Knowles said that it was decided to embark upon a “friendlier” approach
to interaction with government. The website is also a timelier means
for disseminating information, as well as letting people know that we too
are operating in the electronic world.
Comptroller of Customs John Rolle is pictured here in this Tribune photo
by Felipé Major. He held a press conference on Tuesday 15
January. Beside him in the photo is Renee Symonette, the widow of
the late Sean Symonette, a customs officer who was gunned down in front
of his son just over two years ago as he was about to become a witness
in a case in which he was an undercover operative. The Government
promised Mrs. Symonette to provide for her but they have so far failed
to do so. Yet she was there being presented with an International
Humanitarian award to honour her late husband. But the real deal
behind the press conference was for the Comptroller of Customs to set up
a pretext for the Government’s poor revenue performance. Mr. Rolle
said that there has been a 20 million dollar decrease in revenue collections
over last year. He said that this can be blamed on the 11 September
attack. We always find that this 11 September attack is being used
to explain all ills. The fact is that the revenue had begun to fall
long before the 11 September attack. It is also a bit strange that
the Minister of Finance who has political responsibility for these matters
is silent and is letting a public servant who has no responsibility to
the Parliament and the people of the country do all the explaining.
Mr. Rolle got himself into public trouble last year when he urged the Government
to cancel the present 300 dollar twice a year exemption for the travelling
public. It was widely believed that he was put up to do it as a trial
balloon by the Prime Minister. Later the Prime Minister publicly
rebuffed Mr. Rolle's advice. Everyone saw it as a ploy by the Prime
Minister to make himself look like a hero. It is inappropriate
for Mr. Rolle to be involved in these matters and he should cease and desist.
John Rolle, the Comptroller of Customs wants to retry the case of Ralph
Munroe that he lost in the Court of Appeal and at the Privy Council.
In a press conference, he made certain statements that obviously revisit
a matter that has already been decided by the courts. You
may click here to read the full text of the statement by this Senator on
Mr. Munroe’s case. Mr. Munroe was represented by this Senator
in the courts. Mr. Rolle said that he dealt fairly with Mr. Munroe.
Unfortunately the Court of Appeal did not agree. And the fact that
there was a minority judgment is neither here or there. The ruling
of the Court of Appeal is that he did not deal fairly with Mr. Munroe.
It appears that Mr. Rolle is smarting over the fact that he lost the case
and the fact that he did not act properly toward Mr. Munroe. In the
result, he will have to pay a damage award to the customs officer.
In the meantime, it would do the Comptroller well not to comment on these
matters. He has lawyers and they ought to have advised him to leave
well enough alone. Mr. Munroe is now looking into whether or not
the comments of the Comptroller were libellous. Mr. Rolle’s comments
came at a press conference on Wednesday 16 January 2002.
The Golden Girls sensation Chandra Stirrup brought her training partner
the world’s fastest female runner Marion Jones to The Bahamas last week
for a week of training. It brought out crowds to the Tommy Robinson
stadium in Nassau to see the pair. Also
with them was sprinter Tim Montgomery and Debbie Dunn, a U.S. quarter miler.
Coach Trevor Graham was also in town. The US runners are all part
of the Sprint Capital. Ms. Jones had little to say according to The
Tribune but Chandra took the visitors back to her alma mater R.M. Bailey
High school. She encouraged the students to work hard and achieve.
Said she: “I think education is extremely important and let that be the
first thing on each of your agendas… stay in your books and make sure you
get good grades.” Each of the visitors were presented with an R.M. Bailey
T shirt and were made honorary captains for the day for the R.M. Bailey
Track and Field meet of the various schools houses. The kids were
thrilled by the visit. The Tribune photos are by Felipé Major.
Bishop Neil Ellis has gone out on a limb and is backing Perry Christie
for Prime Minister of the country. See Nassau Guardian photo.
It was an extraordinary service at the Mt. Tabor Full Gospel Fellowship
Baptist Church. The PLP was making an official visit there to mark
Majority Rule Day 10 January. Present and leading the delegation
were: the Leader of the Opposition Perry Christie and Mrs. Christie and
Lady Marguerite Pindling, widow of the founding Prime Minister of The Bahamas.
Roberts (pictured), the PLP’s Chair, tabled four documents that he alleges
links the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham as a confidential informant to
the U.S. Government in the run up to the 1987 general elections.
Mr. Ingraham was known as confidential informant CI 1622, according to
these documents. You may click here for
the full report. Mr. Ingraham refused to return the calls of The Tribune
to get a response to Mr. Roberts' allegations. Friends say that he
was moping alone at the fish fry one night last week. When teased about
the CI 1622 status, he said he did not have time to chase after foolishness.
His priority was the referendum and amending the constitution. The
Nassau Guardian in its editorial of Thursday 17 January called for Mr.
Ingraham to answer the allegations made against him. The word treason
is being used around town in relation to this allegation about Mr. Ingraham.
The question is: did he sell out his country in order to ruin his mentor
Sir Lynden Pindling? The United States Embassy's spokesman Brian
Bachman issued a statement on Friday 18 January about the documents.
He said that they were fakes. Bradley Roberts, the PLP's Chair said that
notwithstanding the Embassy's position an investigation would continue.
The Government used its majority to pass a new Wills Act, an Administration
of Estates Act and an Inheritance Act. The last of the acts is the
most far reaching. It allows the will of a person to be interfered
with by a court if no provision is made in the will for the care of minor
children, including children born out of wedlock. A companion piece
of legislation the Status of Children’s Act was also passed that purports
to remove any difference between children born in wedlock and out of wedlock.
The Government says that this will help end discrimination against children
born out of wedlock. In debate in the Senate on Wednesday 16 January,
Senator Melanie Griffin of the PLP pointed out to the Government that the
bill was flawed in that it did not provide for the separation of a man's
estate from that of his wife and himself when it came to the claim of the
children of that man born out of wedlock. She believed that she could
not support the position that a child of a man alone could claim on the
after acquired property of a man and his wife. Janet Bostwick, the
Minister of Foreign Affairs had promised that an amendment would be moved
in the Senate to deal with the matter but in the rush of the Government
to get the bill passed, they made a mistake and it never made it into the
bill. Mrs. Bostwick said that she was surprised that the amendment
had not been done. It serves the Government right. They are too disgusting.
They believe they are all knowing.
This week it was variously reported the following facts: hotels
in The Bahamas have lost ten million dollars in revenue since the 11 September
attack in the New York; Customs Revenue is down 20 million dollars also
blamed on 11 September; Government revenues have fallen by 100 million
dollars in a year. All we need now is for the Government to publish
the real unemployment figures.
U. S. Ambassador Richard Blankenship at last paid a call on Leader
of the Opposition Perry Christie on Tuesday 15 January. The Leader was
joined by this senator who is the Opposition’s spokesman on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Blankenship said that one of his goals was in the area of a small air
force for The Bahamas. Would that we had more time to discuss it.
That is what we need to help the effort against the smuggling of people
into The Bahamas from Haiti. The words had hardly left his mouth
when one of the few planes that the Royal Bahamas Defence Force owns crash
landed on Thursday 17 January into Lake Killarney on its approach to the
Nassau International Airport. There were five persons on board.
No one was seriously injured. The plane was reportedly flying from
a routine patrol of the south-eastern islands and missed its first pass
at the airport. Its engine was sputtering. The pilot reported a mechanical
failure. But immediately people speculated that the plane simply
ran out of fuel. Tribune photo by Felipé Major of the crashed
marines in their rescue dinghy.
Nassau Guardian reports that Creswell Sturrup, the Permanent Secretary
at the Ministry of Education has denied that he was fired or placed on
temporary administrative leave for leaking confidential information two
weeks ago. The report was written by Lindsay Thompson and published
on 14 January. Mr. Sturrup’s Minister Dion Foulkes, Minister of Education,
has been at the centre of a corruption scandal and it has been alleged
that Mr. Foulkes gave out contracts for political favours from his Ministry.
When Mr. Sturrup appeared before the Public Accounts Committee it is reported
that he filibustered. He was then told to take a break from the proceedings
and admonished not to lie for anyone. The rumours circulate around
town on a daily basis that he is going to be made the fall guy by the Prime
Minister for the contracts scandal. Guardian photo.
Someone like Sean McWeeney who was there ought to recount for the present
what happened on the night that Sir Lynden Pindling and A.D. Hanna resigned
their positions as Leader and Deputy Leader of the PLP on the night that
nominations were being decided by the PLP for the 1977 general elections.
On that night that Paul Drake, the PLP propagandist called “The Night of
the Long Knives” from the World War II saga, Sir Lynden decided that he
did not want a number of PLPs to run again for office. The Council
was resisting him. He resigned telling them that if he could not
get his way, he was not prepared to stay. The Council capitulated.
And so with Hubert Ingraham as his Chairman, Oscar Johnson, Carl Francis,
Edmund Moxey, Lionel Davis, Arlington Butler, Cadwell Armbrister and Franklyn
Wilson all incumbents lost their nominations for office. The reasons
were varied.
In Mr. Johnson’s case, he had been accused as Chairman
of BEC of the unauthorized use of company assets. The same was true
for Cadwell Armbrister as Chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation. Mr.
Moxey, Mr. Davis, Mr. Francis and Sir Arlington all lost their nominations
because they joined with the Opposition in defeating the Government's Public
Disclosure Bill in August 1976. Franklyn Wilson lost his nomination
because he signed a Select Committee report of which he was Chairman that
condemned the Minister of Works Loftus Roker. Mr. Roker offered to
resign. The Prime Minister refused the resignation. Sir Lynden
had requested that Mr. Wilson not present the report. Mr. Wilson
refused. Sir Lynden reportedly told Mr. Wilson upon his refusal:
“If you chop off my hands, I will chop off your legs.” Only two persons
spoke up for Mr. Wilson’s nomination in that long and tense Council meeting,
Garret ‘Tiger’ Finlayson, the liquor merchant, and the now Leader of the
Opposition Perry Christie.
Of all of the persons, only Mr. Wilson remained
a PLP and of course later became Sir Lynden’s Leader of the Opposition
in the Senate. He is now a wealthy businessman and Chairman of a
number of powerful and important companies. It only goes to show
for persons now in the position of Rev. C. B. Moss, losing a nomination
is not the end of the world, although it is a very bitter thing.
It could very well be the beginning of something else that the Lord has
in store for you. That was the way that the late Archdeacon William
Thompson responded after he was defeated in a bitter and scurrilous campaign
against him when he was nominated for Suffragan Bishop in the Anglican
Church. The young clergymen thought he was too PLP and they went
after him with a vengeance. Persons whom he had supported and helped
turned on him. He told the congregation after he lost the vote, the
congregation was in tears: “Well, it looks like the Lord does not want
me to be a Bishop.”
They are my close friends from my days as a college student at Antioch
College Yellow Springs, Ohio. Fond days indeed. Clarence Stukes and
Diane Stukes née Castro have two beautiful daughters. The
family now resides in the Washington D.C. area. Their youngest daughter
Sabriya is now a freshman at Virginia Tech and this is her freshman photo.
Congratulations to the family.
Foreign 'Waiters' at Resorts - Patrons could hardly believe
their eyes. Two senior expatriate employees of Resorts at Bahamia
- one from the accounting department, the other from sales and marketing
- serving meals to diners a restaurant at the Tower at Bahamia. The
shocking story is not only in violation of the terms of the expatriates'
work permits, but also comes at a time when hundreds of the hotel's line
staff are either still laid off or working only one, two or three days
per week. "It's a sad, sad day for our industry," said one Bahamian
waiter, "but this is what the FNM Government has brought to us to."
The situation is said to be an attempt by Resorts at Bahamia to save money.
We shall be waiting to see whether the two expatriates put in for a fifteen
percent gratuity cheque. Hotel union executives are said to be aware.
Click on a heading to go to that story; press ctrl+home to return
to the top of the page.
Cooper-Nairn is a Senator for the Free National Movement. She is
the daughter of the late Lofton Cooper, a man of some prominence and a
hero of the Lewis Yard affair in Grand Bahama. He was tragically
shot down in a robbery gone badly over a decade ago. His daughter
has his same feistiness. The FNM has chosen her as a candidate for
the St. Thomas Moore constituency in Nassau. The Centreville constituency
that Mr. Ingraham dismantled was Perry Christie’s seat and he replaced
it with St. Thomas Moore. It was a low down dirty trick. But
that is Ingraham for you.
Good morning this Mornin’
We are coming to you live on the Out Island you asked for it
‘Request Show’. Our first request reads like this: “Please play for
me that song by Sam Cooke, ‘Chain Gang’. This goes out to
the F.N.M dream team.”
Well don’t you know that’s the sound of the men,
Working on the chain…….. Gaaaaang.
All day long they work so hard,
Until the sun is going down,
Working on the High Ways and By-ways,
And wearing a frown.
You can hear them moaning from miles away,
And then you will hear somebody say….
That’s The Sound Of The Wrong Men Working On The Chain Gang!
To the People Of Bain Town
Look what the C.D.R. and the F.N.M have sent you as candidates
in this upcoming election…A fork-tongued Union boss…well I guess that’s
kinda alright cause we all can be fork tongueish sometimes. But look
at what the F.N.M has sent, a Now and Then Christian preacher, now that’s
kinda scary when you playin with my manso up there, that’s not easy business.
But despite it all, isn’t God wonderful….? Look at what the P.L.P has sent…A
Good and Christian Gentleman, A Fair Minded Businessman, A great Philanthropist,
A Bearer Of Good tidings, A great Husband and Family Man. Truly A Brother’s
Bain Town ..,this Corner Presents To you……..Big…..Good…Brad Roberts.
Vote for Brad and Bain Town would be a Happy Place. God really Hears and
answers Prayers!
To Sonny Russell The F.N.M Candidate and temporary wanna be, who’s
up and down this town and claiming to be the King of Collin’s Wall, well
Sonny I’m sorry for you buddy. When the Chief Perry Christie finish annihilating
you and obliterating you. That so called search and rescue F.N.M dream
team, just might be able to find you somewhere standing on the great Chinese
Wall, grinning like a chessy cat, and crazy as a bat. Sonny: Funky,
Christie and the Boys Never came easy.
Just a Small Reminder
Sometime early this year, you and your bad representation
of Fox Hill will be gone in the Political graveyard of Fox Hill. For long,
long, long………..!
12th Review of the Judiciary
Review of the Judiciary
Address to Senate: Why the PM is the way he is
speech to PLP Convention 2000
& Me - A personal retrospective on the life and times of Sir Lynden
by Fred Mitchell
to the Senate Budget Debate / Haitian Issue
to the Senate Clifton Cay Debate / Haitian Issue
to PLP Leadership meeting in Exuma / Haitian Issue
Morris on OECD Blacklist
Mitchell Antioch College speech
The funeral
Gilbert Morris on the country's blacklisting
of Sir Lynden's death & funeral
Site Links
PLP Position on Clifton
Canadian contacts Reg & Kit's Bahamas Links
Bahamian Cycling News
Links to Bahamians on the web
Politics Forum
Harbour Island Site
On Wednesday 23 January, the Senate met to consider
ten bills that will amend the constitution. You may click
here for last week’s story on what the Bills are about. All of
the Bills passed the Senate with the requisite majorities so that they
must now go to the people for a referendum.
This Senator was the lead speaker for the Opposition.
It was pointed out that the Bills were unnecessary and that the referendum
that will follow is an expense that the country does not need at this time.
The Government did not listen. For example, Article 13 of the constitution
gives the Government the power to pass a law to give anyone citizenship
of The Bahamas that it wishes. No constitutional amendment is therefore
needed to extend citizenship rights to the spouses of Bahamian women and
the children of married Bahamian women born outside The Bahamas.
You may click here for the full address
of this Senator.
It is clear that these bills are simply a smoke
screen to create confusion in the minds of the public. The Prime
Minister wants the PLP to be saddled with the reputation of being anti-woman
by opposing the amendments. The country is clearly in an anti-FNM
mood, however. At a town meeting on the constitution on Wednesday
23 January at the British Colonial Hilton, Carl Bethel, the Attorney General
made a total ass of himself. He confirmed what most people thought
that he appears not to know the law of The Bahamas. This is a disgraceful
state of affairs for an Attorney General of The Bahamas. Paul Adderley,
the former Attorney General under the PLP, who appeared on the ZNS sponsored
panel, treated him like a little boy.
To show how this stuff works, Senator Pauline Cooper-Nairn
and the other foot soldiers and yes persons of the FNM thought that the
forum was stacked against them, even though their FNM supporters at ZNS
put the panel together. Further, they said that Paul Adderley was
rude to the Attorney General. It is absolutely amazing. This
group of people who called Pindling every name in the book now has the
nerve to say who was rude to whom. We are going to vote no in the
referendum and we are encouraging all who are voting to vote no.
Henry and Janet Bostwick really have it in for Hubert Ingraham or so it
is being said around the political community. There is a sense of
a double cross by Mr. Ingraham. Janet Bostwick was supposed to be
the first female Governor General of the country. It was not to be.
Instead Hubert Ingraham made the unpopular decision of appointing Dame
Ivy Dumont to the post. The friends of Mr. Ingraham said that Mr.
Ingraham was prepared to offer the post to Mrs. Bostwick, the first woman
elected to the Parliament of The Bahamas, but he thought she wanted too
much. According to Mr. Ingraham's friends, in the laundry list were
a knighthood for her husband Henry, the President of the Senate; Mrs. Bostwick
wanted to be made a Dame, the female equivalent of a knighthood and one
of her daughters was to succeed her in the Yamacraw seat. Mr. Ingraham
reportedly thought that was too much and balked.
And this week Mr. Ingraham attacked Henry Bostwick
with a vengeance. Said Mr. Ingraham on Wednesday 23 January in a
response to a charge that he likes to bend the rules and that he was stopped
from doing so by Henry Bostwick when the Government attempted to introduce
a Bill in the Senate that had already been introduced in the House of Assembly:
“The President of the Senate is quite aware and has acknowledged that he
was wrong when he refused to permit the government leader in the Senate
to table the Constitutional Bills in that place. The President of
the Senate was misinformed on the matter and seemed to have believed that
the Bills had been previously introduced in the House of Assembly which
they had not been at that time and constitutionally the Government is quite
entitled to table in the Senate for the first reading and passage any bill
for the first time other than a money bill – that is clear as day in the
Constitution of The Bahamas.”
Senate President Henry Bostwick took umbrage at
the Prime Minister’s remarks in the House. In the Senate on Thursday 24
January he said: “I want to say unequivocally that this President, your
President, Henry Bostwick, at no time, in no place, to any person whatsoever
made any such admission namely that I had acknowledged that I was wrong
or that I was in error by not placing the Bills on the Senate agenda, that
statement is untrue.”
There is a saying that we have about Hubert Ingraham that we haven’t used
in a while. The saying is: “You can’t put a goat on a board floor,
because it will prance.” That is what came to mind when according
to The Tribune’s Gustavius Smith in a report on Thursday 24 January; the
Prime Minister attacked Nicki Kelly, The Tribune columnist. In her
column of 22 January, Ms. Kelly wrote the following:
“With three Ministers under a cloud, and not
even the Prime Minister immune from scandal, the FNM finds itself in an
invidious position for a party that made clean government a cornerstone
of its 1992 election platform. And the position is complicated by
the fact that the ministers in question represent the top most echelon
of the FNM’s political hierarchy.”
Said Mr. Ingraham in response in the House of Assembly
on Tuesday 22 January: “Having made a career out of attacking me, she
(Nicki Kelly) would be lost for what she would do following the next general
election. Because she says this morning even the Prime Minister is
not immune from scandal. But this is really all I want to say about
her and I want to say it now that she ought to leave that alone.
Um hello Nicki, don't go there Nicki, don’t go there. Talk about
scandal, Nicki, don’t do that. That is not good for you.”
Mr. Ingraham also commented on Ms. Kelly’s assertion
that Foreign Minister Janet Bostwick was surprised at Dame Ivy’s appointment
as Governor General. The columnist wrote that Opposition leader Perry
Christie had an understanding that there would be no final appointment
until after the general election. Said Mr. Ingraham: “She is also
confused about the appointment of Dame Ivy Dumont as Governor General.
She suggests that I had an understanding with the Leader of the Opposition
that there will be no formal appointment until after a general election.
Well why do I need the understanding of him? That is my constitutional
right not his. ”
As we said, you can’t put a goat on a board floor,
it will prance.
The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and the Bahamas
Employers Confederation sponsored a seminar for the business community
on Wednesday 23 January at Buena Vista Hotel. The idea was to educate the
employers on the new labour legislation rushed through the Parliament by
Hubert Ingraham's government. Brian Nutt, President of the
Bahamas Employers Confederation, said major changes were made to the Minimum
Wages Bill without any dialogue with employers. Said Mr. Nutt: “After
the 11 September attacks in the US, the Prime Minister agreed to put the
labour legislation on hold for the time being and promised to give notice
of when he intended to proceed. Without any advanced warning the
Employment Bill was passed by Parliament on 20 December 2001 and enacted
on 1 January 2002.” Mr. Nutt said that major changes were made to
the Minimum Wages Bill without any dialogue with employers.
Bradley Roberts MP had the Prime Minister on the run all last week.
There was one bombshell after another. The last was a series of documents
tabled by Mr. Roberts that showed that Mr. Ingraham may have been a confidential
informant for the US Government. The US government in Nassau denied
it and said that the documents were fake. No one believes that.
Mr. Ingraham was righteously indignant and called Mr. Roberts a liar.
Mr. Roberts stood by the allegations. These allegations have been
circulating for some time and Mr. Ingraham has just now bothered to refute
The most peculiar thing about Mr. Ingraham’s response
was the fact that he said that he would “deal” with the Mr. Roberts.
In our contribution in the Senate on Wednesday 23 January, we pointed out
that he certainly could not mean by dealing with Mr. Roberts that he intended
to fight him physically. That could only mean a good cut behind for
the Prime Minister. But in the middle of the Parliament on Tuesday,
Mr. Ingraham abandoned his legislative agenda.
The PLP voted against the amendment to the Constitutional
Referendum Act on Tuesday 22 January on the grounds that shortening the
period between the writ for the referendum and the actual vote to 21 days
was too short and did not give sufficient time for a campaign of public
education. The Amendment to the Public Holidays Act that would
have given us a National Heroes Day was abandoned.
The House adjourned to 11 March and Mr. Ingraham
said that the next time that he appears in Parliament it will be after
the next general election. The Senate adjourned on Thursday after
completing a compendium of bills sine die. And so the stage is now
set for the general election. If the referendum is held at the end
of February, look for a general election in late March or early April.
Please be sure that you are registered to vote.
The taxi drivers at the Nassau International Airport led a demonstration
outside the quarters of the Department of Road Traffic. They were
demonstrating against the ineffectiveness of the Department when dealing
with hackers at the Nassau International Airport. The demonstration
took place on Tuesday 22 January. The taxi drivers called on the
Prime Minister to intervene because the Road Traffic Authority and the
Road Traffic Department has let them down on several occasions. The
hackers are said to be Haitians picking up their compatriots that fly between
Nassau and Haiti every day.
The problem at the airport is complicated by the
fact that revenues in the country are way down as a result of the lack
of tourists. Some drivers complain that they have to wait five hours
for a job and some make no money the whole day long. The Haitian
drivers are using the airport illegally and the authorities are loath or
unable to crack down. The General Manager of the Authority
Idris Reid denied that they were being ineffective. He said that he needed
names in order to act. But the hacker's problem is just one of a
number of instances where The Bahamas continues to keep its head in the
sand on the growing clash of cultures between Haitians in The Bahamas and
The Bahamian community seems put upon by the onslaught
of the uncontrolled access of a Haitian underclass in the country.
As the economic competition gets tougher, the issues are exacerbated.
Again this week, there was a startling and tragic headline. Fourteen
Haitians died when their boat capsized just 13 miles south of New Providence.
The official version is that the Defence Force patrol craft HMBS P43 was
on routine patrol when it intercepted the 35-foot green and white sailing
sloop, with over 93 refugees on board. A second Defence Force boat
was sent to assist with transporting the refugees. The statement
from the Force continued: “While transferring the immigrants from the overcrowded
sloop, the immigrants rushed to one side of the already unstable vessel,
causing it to capsize and sink in the rough seas.”
Something must be done to stop this. The Bahamian
Government, the US Government are not doing enough. Defence Force officers
are shown carrying one of the victims ashore in this RBDF photo by Leading
Seaman Jonathan Rolle.
The US Government has finally gotten its way with
The Bahamas. After threatened economic retaliation against The Bahamas,
Hubert Ingraham's Government has capitulated and signed a tax information
exchange agreement with the United States Government. Finance Minister
William Allen travelled to Washington to sign the agreement on Thursday
24 January.
Without the exchange agreement, The Bahamas would
not get the Internal Revenue Services Qualified Jurisdiction Status.
That would be a disincentive to Bahamian banking institutions who would
have to withhold tax moneys for persons who invest in the United States
in advance, rather than be able to simply pay the monies earned in the
US on the basis that the persons were non US tax payers.
The Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) is
something that the US has been pressuring the Government of The Bahamas
for twenty years or more since the days of Sir Lynden Pindling. He
refused. And the result was that The Bahamas lost the right to have
US conventions here that could write off their convention costs as a tax
benefit. Sun International and the Grand Bahama Port Authority wanted
the Government to enter the agreement because it will help tourism.
The convention benefit kicks in on 1 January 2006
and the criminal exchange of information will begin on 1 January 2004.
Either Government can withdraw from the agreement with three months notice.
We reported on this site 16 December 2001 that M.
Teresa Butler, the Permanent Secretary to the Office of the Prime Minister
for the entire period of his Prime Ministership is to retire early from
the public service, taking advantage of the early retirement package specially
passed into law by the Prime Minister and his Government. It will
avoid her having to undergo the indignity of working for a new Government.
Now we have the news that Ms. Butler is not really going into retirement
but is to be offered a new position; that of Chairman of the Public Service
Commission. She will be following in the footsteps of Dame Ivy Dumont
who left that job to become Governor General. Pundits are saying
that a pattern is now developing as the Prime Minister leaves office.
He is seeking to tie the hands of the next administration by putting in
place his trusted lieutenants who will carry out his orders and keep him
informed long after he is gone.
The Catholic Church is said to have been greatly
disturbed by a picture that appeared in all newspapers by Tim Aylen, a
free lance photographer of FNM candidate Senator Pauline Cooper-Nairn (see
editorial) attending church at St. Thomas Moore’s Catholic Church on Madeira
Street in Nassau. The church lends its name to the new constituency
specially designed to defeat Pierre Dupuch the FNM dissident and Perry
Christie, the now Leader of the Opposition.
The picture showed Senator Cooper-Nairn shaking
hands with the Catholic priest Fr. Glen Nixon as she exited a Sunday mass.
The priest shakes hands with everyone as they leave church. The caption
described Senator Cooper-Nairn as having discussions with the priest.
The photo was totally inappropriate, particularly after the Catholic Archbishop
Lawrence Burke warned that Catholic Priests should not be drawn into partisan
politics. Nothing wrong with the picture in and of itself but to give a
photo caption from a public relations firm that says she was having discussions
with the priest is inappropriate.
Senator Cooper-Nairn has been criticized by her
opponents for allowing her husband to accompany her on campaign rounds
in the new constituency. He is a Permanent Secretary and therefore
should not even have the hint of political involvement. Senator Cooper-Nairn
has denied that is what he is doing but the reports continue. The
church photo of Senator Cooper-Nairn is yet another example of this cabal
of new people brought in by Hubert Ingraham who are totally insensitive
to the difference between what is political and what should be kept out
of politics.
Under Mr. Ingraham all propriety has been lost and
his followers act as though all the rules have gone out of the window.
Hopefully, a PLP government will restore the sense of propriety.
The Cornerstone of the new St. Anselm’s Church is Fox Hill was laid
on Sunday 20 January. This Senator attended the service and is pictured
with the architect, engineer, priest and builder. From left Lambert
Archer, quantity surveyor, this Senator, George Cox, engineer and Dwight
Higgs, builder.
The US embassy in Nassau has announced that effective
immediately all Bahamian males between the ages of 16 and 45 will now be
required to fill out a new application form when applying for a United
States visa. This is according to a report in the Nassau Guardian
26 January.
Officials from the Public Affairs Section of the
American Embassy, Queen Street said due to last 11 September’s attack on
the World Trade Centre in New York further information is required.
The Visa Section Chief Irma Hopkins told The Guardian males were targeted
because it was believed that they are more likely to be involved in negative
incidents. The old application from will not be accepted for males
within that age category. Otherwise the process for the visas will
not change. These actions seem clearly discriminatory.
One wonders whether the US is not going into overkill
on these matters. However, it is their country but all of this seems
to fly in the face of a Free Trade of the Americas Agreement that is pushing
in the direction of free flow of people. It should be made easier
for Bahamians not more difficult for them to travel into the United States.
We think that when the US. Secretary of State visits The Bahamas to meet
with Caribbean Foreign Minister on 7 February they ought to make the case
against these restrictive US visas polices. All of our countries
allow their citizens into our countries without visas. The policies
should therefore be reciprocal for any member of a Caricom country.
Barclays Bank has been talking to its unions about
the merger between itself and CIBC in the Caribbean. The new bank
is to be called First Caribbean. Barclays has been representing that
all the union contracts will be transferred to the new entity and that
the talks were progressing well. No so fast, said Tyrone Forbes,
the President of the Bahamas Financial Services Union that represents the
Barclays' employees. Mr. Forbes said despite the announcements
of Barclays there is a fear that some staff will have to be let go from
the operations of the two banks. Staff at CIBC report that this is
already happening, with employees walking on eggshells. They are
fired for the least infraction. The report on the matter was made in The
Tribune’s business section on Monday 21 January.
The Attorney General tried to get special leave to appeal to the Privy
Council in the case of the Commissioner of Police against Matthew Mitchell.
Matthew is my younger brother. Earlier in the year, he had
been convicted of fraud by false pretences. He was sentenced to three
years in prison. The Court of Appeal freed him on appeal after serving
seven months of that sentence. In an act of political spite, the
Attorney General said that he would appeal. The Court of Appeal heard
the matter on 23 January and decided that they had no jurisdiction to hear
the matter. The Attorney General must now go to get special leave
directly from the Privy Council. Our family continues to believe
that this is an act of political spite by the Attorney General.
PLP Candidate Kenyatta Gibson stunned his colleagues
this week when he issued a statement to the press in which he accused a
powerful group of foreign moneyed interests of seeking to have his candidacy
withdrawn so that Dr. Bernard Nottage, the breakaway PLP MP who heads the
Coalition for Democratic Reform (CDR) can be unopposed in Kennedy.
Said the statement: “For the last several months,
I have been the subject and object of vicious and untruthful propaganda
designed firstly to destabilize my campaign in Kennedy as the PLP standard
bearer and to embarrass my beloved leader the Hon. Perry Christie for his
confidence and support. Mr. Christie personally recruited me and
he has said on many occasions I am the true personal PLP representative
of the good people of Kennedy. I am happy to call Mr. Christie friend.
It has become apparent to me that those hitherto sleeping enemies of Mr.
Christie who wish to now deny him the Prime Ministership of the Commonwealth
of The Bahamas are mounting a rear guard action to cause mischief and discontentment
as regards the Kennedy election and the good people thereof. I have
been advised that there are certain powerful factions backed by foreign
moneyed interests who want Dr. Bernard Nottage unopposed by the PLP in
Kennedy and are using sophisticated and highhanded methods to besmirch
my name and to extort from our grand party. Again I say that they
shall not prevail. Long Live Perry Christie. Long Live the PLP.”
The newspapers reported that an anonymous source
had said that the foreign element was Mohammad Harajchi, the owner of Suisse
Security Bank that was closed down by the Central Bank at gunpoint last
year. Mr. Harajchi admitted a small donation to the PLP.
The source also said that the money was being channelled through Philip
Smith the New Providence Campaign Co-ordinator of the PLP. PLP leader
Perry Christie was furious with the statement. Said Mr. Christie:
“I am not aware of any moneys whatsoever or of any agreement that would
enable Philip Smith to receive any funding on behalf of the Progressive
Liberal Party.” And he denied that Mr. Harajchi had given any ultimatum
to him about pulling the candidacy of Kenyatta Gibson. The
candidate’s statement was not helpful.
Mark Knowles and his Canadian partner Daniel Nestor have won the tennis
doubles title at the Australian Open Tennis Tournament. It is the
first 'Grand Slam' win for Knowles and a milestone for the Bahamas.
The pair won their first title in four Grand Slam finals when they defeated
Frenchmen Michael Llodra and Fabrice Santoro 7-6(4), 6-3. Reports
say that Knowles, known in tennis circles by the nickname '4B' (Biggest,
baddest, blondest, Bahamian) and Nestor have been rewarded richly for joining
forces again this year after playing the past three seasons with various
partners. They had been one of the world's premier pairs before parting
company, and had reached Grand Slam finals at the Australian Open in 1995,
and Roland Garros and the US Open in 1998. Said Knowles, "Work
hard - it pays off." Photos are courtesy of with
actions shots by Mark Dadswell/Getty Images. Knowles is at right
(top) with trophy.
Eileen Dupuch Carron has been at it all week on this senator. First
there was an editorial called 'Senator Mitchell like a dog with a bone'.
Then she wrote another editorial in which she said that this Senator was
impertinent for criticizing her and asked the question: Who does Senator
Mitchell think that he is?
All of this arose out of a press release about the
Bahamas Electricity Corporation and its inability to keep the power on
in Nassau. The Chairman of BEC is J. Barrie Farrington who is also
a senior executive at Sun International. When the power goes off in Nassau,
the lights are always burning on Paradise Island. This senator asked
how it was possible for the Chairman of BEC to work for Sun and keep Sun’s
lights on but could not keep the lights on in Nassau. This incensed
poor old Eileen Carron, thus the editorials. These were the second
and third editorials responding to my statement. I responded to the
first by saying that she has a knee jerk response to defending Sun International.
And further, she should disclose all the commercial contracts and links
between Sun and The Tribune. This would not be an unusual thing for
The Tribune since earlier in its history the father of Mrs. Carron who
preceded her in the Editor's chair accepted a consultancy fee from the
Grand Bahama Port Authority for doing nothing, but the result was his opposition
to casino gambling stopped in the columns of his paper at a time when the
Port Authority who paid the fee was campaigning to get a casino licence.
So it was important for us to know, why the Defence
of Sun? What contracts do they have with The Tribune? Further,
Ed Fields of 100 JAMZ, The Tribune owned radio station, is also an employee
of Sun International. It is conceivable that every time someone attacks
Sun, Mr. Fields gets on the phone and asks Eileen to respond by defending
Sun. He got into the act himself by going on the radio and issuing
a challenge that this Senator must say one time that I was not influenced
when I was Director of News at ZNS by a Minister of the Government.
What has all this got to do with the price of cheese? Not a darn
The fact is that J. Barrie Farrington as Chairman
of BEC has been unable to keep the lights on in New Providence. The
lights are on at Sun all the time. If he can keep the lights on at
Sun, he must be able to keep the lights on in Nassau. That’s all.
As for who Senator Mitchell thinks he is. The question
itself is impertinent. Eileen Carron knows exactly who I am.
We know each other well. The fact is that what she wants is this
senator to apologize for being an uppity Negro. If she were to have
it her way, we would all know our places. She, after all, is a Dupuch.
Unfortunately the difficulty with her is that she is uncomfortable with
her Negro heritage. She can’t put it to one side as simply as she
ought. Race should be irrelevant, but like many in her position,
it eats away like a sore and the result is that no one who is Black can
do anything right or should dare to contradict her. Oh well!
We feel sorry for her.
Condolences to the family of Kendal Moss, a well-known businessman
of Fox Hill who was buried at St. Mark's Native Baptist Church Sunday 27
January. He is survived by his father, the Reverend Curtis Moss of
Fairfield, Crooked Island and seven sisters: Yvonne Smith, Francita Ferguson,
Naomi Lloyd, Mavis McKenzie, Eleanor McQuay, Cindy Petty and Olga Greaves.
He is pictured.
I'm Voting Against All - The morning after the ZNS-sponsored
Town Meeting in Nassau on the proposed amendments to the constitution,
FNMs in Grand Bahama were long in the face. "We must go into damage
control", said one. Another advised his party "No way can we consider
a rebroadcast of that town meeting and we definitely shouldn't dare go
over the hill to sell this to the people - they don't like how it is being
done and they don't want it." Still a third FNM moaned, "We need
to put this behind us... it just ain't worth it... I'm an FNM and I'm voting
against all of them."